Hans Kuzel

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Hans Kuzel (born March 22, 1859 in Vienna , † July 7, 1922 in Baden (Lower Austria) ) was an Austrian chemist .


Kuzel studied at the Technical University in Vienna , at the University in Erlangen with E. Fischer and obtained his Dr. phil.

Before obtaining his doctorate , he worked briefly at the Bindschedler & Busch paint factory in Basel and then became Fischer's assistant. On his recommendation he started at Farbwerk Meister, Lucius & Brüning in Hoechst . He ran several azo dye factories and developed new azo dyes . In 1892 he worked at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin on bacteriology and from 1893 to 1895 he was the director of the Levinstein & Co color works in Manchester .

From 1896 he lived in Baden near Vienna and developed a process for extracting tungsten filaments from a colloid . This method was used by the Johann Kremenezkys company for several years . He also did preparatory work for the new Austrian Patent Act.


Individual evidence

  1. Gabrielle Schmidt-Ott: Robert Bindschedler. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 29, 2004 , accessed July 9, 2019 .
  2. ^ Antje Hagen: German direct investments in Great Britain, 1871-1918 ; P. 77 .
  3. ^ Austriaca.at: Kremenetzky (Kremenezky), Johann .