Hans Neumann (resistance fighter)

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Hans Neumann (born October 5, 1908 in Aumund ( Blumenthal district ); † November 20, 1944 in the Brandenburg-Görden prison ) German carpenter, communist and resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Hans Neumann grew up in a parental home that lived in a Catholic diaspora community in Aumund , which at that time still belonged to the Blumenthal district. He trained as a carpenter at the large shipyard in Bremer Vulkan , where he joined the German Woodworkers Association and in 1930 the KJVD and the KPD . In February 1933, shortly after the start of National Socialism , Hans Neumann took over the illegal leadership of the KPD in the district town of Blumenthal. However, he was arrested by the National Socialists a short time later and deported to the Esterwegen concentration camp until 1934 . After his release he worked again at the Vulkan shipyard in Vegesack , where he continued his resistance work together with Bernhard Göhner.

At the beginning of the Second World War , he and Leo Drabent organized a resistance network for the Bremen shipyards in conjunction with the Bästlein-Jacob-Abshagen group in Hamburg . On March 29, 1943, he was arrested by the Gestapo along with Leo Drabent and nine other resistance fighters . On October 13, 1944, he was sentenced to death by the People's Court for trying to "undermine the resistance of the German people through communist propaganda". Hans Neumann and Leo Drabent were beheaded with the guillotine in the Brandenburg prison.


  • A stumbling block was laid in front of his last house in Fresenbergstrasse 79 in the northern part of Bremen's Blumenthal district on May 4, 2005 .


  • Ursula Puls : The Bästlein-Jacob-Abshagen Group. Report on the anti-fascist resistance struggle in Hamburg and on the water's edge during World War II . Ed .: Institute for Marxism at the Central Committee of the SED (=  contributions to the history and theory of the workers' movement . Volume 21 ). Karl Dietz Verlag , Berlin 1959.
  • Luise Kraushaar u. a .: German resistance fighters 1933–1945. Biographies and letters . Ed .: Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED. tape 2 . Dietz-Verlag, Berlin 1970, p. 22 ff .
  • Willy Hundertmark , Jakob Pfarr (Ed.): Antifascist Resistance 1933 to 1945 in Bremen. Documentation for the exhibition Antifascist Resistance - 28.4.74 to 19.5.74 in the lower town hall in Bremen . Schmalfeldt, Bremen 1974.
  • Inge Marßolek , René Ott u. a .: Bremen in the Third Reich. Adjustment, resistance, persecution . Schünemann, Bremen 1986, ISBN 3-7961-1765-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Patricia Brandt: Ways for resistance fighters. Dispute over signs. (No longer available online.) In: Die Norddeutsche (weser-kurier.de). December 19, 2017, archived from the original on January 15, 2018 ; accessed on January 15, 2018 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.weser-kurier.de