Hans Nowotny

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Hans Nowotny (born September 27, 1911 in Linz , † October 5, 1996 in Steinbach bei Ernstbrunn ) was an Austrian chemist and university professor . Nowotny was a "pioneering researcher in the field of structural and alloy chemistry".


Hans Nowotny studied at the Technical University of Vienna and obtained his Dipl.-Ing. in technical physics and received his doctorate in 1934 . From 1934 to 1936 he was a private assistant to Franz Halla and then assistant to Ludwig Ebert at the Institute for Physical Chemistry at the TH Karlsruhe . From 1941 to 1945 he was a research assistant at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metal Research in Stuttgart. In 1947 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Vienna , and in 1952 he was appointed full professor and head of the Institute for Physical Chemistry at Vienna University of Technology. From 1958 to 1977 he was university professor and head of the I. Chemical Institute of the University of Vienna and professor at the Technical University.

Memberships, awards


  • A. Neckel, N. Konopik ‐ Brinda: Hans Nowotny for his 65th birthday . In: Reports of the Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry , 80, 1976, No. 9, pp. 831-833. doi : 10.1002 / bbpc.19760800902 (contains a description of his work areas)
  • Kurt L. Komarek: Hans Nowotny. In: Almanach of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 1996/97, vol. 147 (1998), pp. 445–451.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Aeiou.at: Nowotny, Hans
  2. ^ Genealogy: Hans Nowotny
  3. A. Neckel, N. Konopik-Brinda: Hans Nowotny for his 65th birthday . In: Reports of the Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry , 80, 1976, No. 9, pp. 831-833. doi : 10.1002 / bbpc.19760800902 .