Hans Pawlik

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Hans Pawlik (born December 21, 1914 in Klagenfurt ; † September 30, 2012 ibid) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and ÖGB union official.

Hans Pawlik


Hans Pawlik came from the environment of old Austrian families of officers, teachers and civil servants. The father, kuk Kapellmeister and music school owner Wilhelm Pawlik , was the son of a Sudeten German. The mother Dorothea Johanna, born Bohslavski had a kuk district forester from Bohemian family and a Oberkärntnerin as parents. In Klagenfurt, Hans Pawlik completed elementary school from 1921 to 1926 and then, until 1929, the Bundesrealgymnasium . Already during his typesetter apprenticeship, from 1930 to 1934, he came into contact with social democratic functionaries and, in addition to the book printers 'union (DJP) in 1930, he also joined the Socialist Youth Workers' Youth SAJ . From 1932 to 1934, Hans Pawlik was regional chairman of the graphic workers' youth and state management member of the SAJ.

Hans Pawlik with his family on Lake Geneva in 1963

During the February uprising in 1934, the active Schutzbündler in Klagenfurt waited in vain for the deployment order. Pawlik was arrested in the Dollfuss - Schuschnigg dictatorship in 1936 and sentenced to 18 months in heavy dungeon for illegal anti-fascist activity for the Social Democratic Party. Then, from 1938 to 1939, Pawlik has spent his military service in the Armed Forces , of August 1939 until the war ended then with the German Wehrmacht , with six years of war operation on all European fronts. Even during the Nazi era he made no secret of his social democratic sentiments. In 1945 he narrowly escaped the death sentence of a German military court under SS prosecutor E. Prix. After his return home in 1945, employed as a butcher and newspaper machine setter in the Carinthia print shop , Pawlik, as a works council, devoted himself to rebuilding the graphic trade union and the SPÖ. In 1948 he was proposed as state secretary by the Carinthian state executive of the ÖGB and was employed full-time in this function by the federal board of the ÖGB until his retirement in 1975. Subsequently, from 1975 to 1990, Hans Pawlik was Carinthian regional chairman of the Pensioners' Association Austria . Until his death he lived in Klagenfurt with his wife Annemarie , who was also a politician on the municipal, national and city council.


In Austria, the legal basis for the repeal of the judgments from the time of Austrofascism was created in 2012 . In connection with this, at the request of his son Hans Christian Pawlik, Hans Pawlik was rehabilitated posthumously by the competent Austrian court, the Regional Court for Criminal Matters Vienna , by judge Norbert Gerstenberger in a decision passed on December 9, 2013, in which it was established that “that all orders on the basis of which Hans Pawlik was ... in custody apply retrospectively as not having been made ”.

Political career

From 1948 to 1952 he was a member of the Klagenfurt municipal council . From 1948 to 1975 he was state secretary of the ÖGB, from 1953 to 1965 a member of the Carinthian state parliament. He held the office of Third President of the Carinthian Parliament from 1965 to 1975.


From 1974 Hans Pawlik was honorary chairman of the printing and paper union in Carinthia. In 1975 Federal President Rudolf Kirchschläger awarded him the Great Gold Medal of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria , and in 1978 the Medal of Honor for Services to the Liberation of Austria . In 1983, in recognition of his special services to the province of Carinthia, the Carinthian provincial government awarded him the second highest medal the province has to award, the Carinthian provincial order in silver . In addition, Hans Pawlik was the bearer of the highest award the SPÖ has to award, the Viktor Adler plaque , since 1983 the Johann Böhm plaque, the highest award of the ÖGB, as well as two times the Otto Bauer plaque , the highest Austrian Resistance fighter award.

Documents gallery


  • Heinz Pichler, Florian Kerschbaumer (eds.): Socialist, trade unionist and humanist. Hans Pawlik in conversation with Peter Kaiser (= Heard read. 10). Wieser, Klagenfurt 2012, ISBN 978-3-99029-053-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The politically persecuted by the ÖVP slandered. In: Die Neue Zeit , No. 107, May 10, 1956, p. 2.
  2. At the last minute before the court martial. In: Kleine Zeitung Kärnten, April 4, 1995
  3. Hellwig Valentin : The Fighter A Carinthian Antifascist. In: Kärntner Tageszeitung (KTZ), March 2, 1990, p. 3.
  4. http://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFnahm.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=20007687
  5. https://www.help.gv.at/Portal.Node/hlpd/public/module?gentics.am=Content&p.contentid=10007.64441
  6. ^ National Council rehabilitated victims of Austrofascism. In: derStandard.at. January 18, 2012, accessed December 15, 2017 .
  7. ^ Order of the Regional Court for Criminal Matters Vienna, December 9, 2013, number 189 Ns 4 / 13k; Privately owned document.