Hans Silberborth

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Hans Hermann Heinrich Silberborth (born January 30, 1887 in Magdeburg , † October 9, 1949 in Nordhausen ) was a German high school teacher, historian and archivist .


After attending the König-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Magdeburg, he studied German, history and geography in Göttingen , Berlin and Halle (Saale) . He received his doctorate in 1910 and passed the state examination a year later.

In 1913 Silberborth came to the Realgymnasium in Nordhausen as a scientific assistant teacher and taught there until the end of 1937. When the First World War broke out , he became a foot artilleryman and later a volunteer in the infantry until he was dismissed in 1916 due to illness.

Silberborth was a member of the German People's Party (DVP) and at times chairman of the Nordhausen local group and city councilor in the Nordhausen city council. In the early 1930s he withdrew from politics.

The "History of the Free Imperial City of Nordhausen" is considered the standard work on the city's history and was published by Hans Silberborth for the millennium in 1927 in two richly illustrated volumes with 1282 pages. For the 1070th anniversary in 1997, the work was reissued in a modern form by the Nordhausen City Archives.

From 1938 to 1939 Silberborth was in charge of the Nordhausen City Archives . After the air raids on Nordhausen and the destruction of valuable holdings, Silberborth began to rebuild the archive.

In 1945 he was one of the founders of the Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDP). Through the years of the war his health was badly damaged and his plan to write a "cultural history of the Grafschaft Hohenstein" could no longer be implemented. On September 30, 1948, he finally gave up his work as museum director.

Resting place at Petersdorf

Hans Silberborth died on October 9, 1949 at the age of 62 and was cremated on October 14. He found his final resting place on May 21, 1950 - according to his wishes - near Petersdorf below the Harzrigi .

The Schützenstraße in Nordhausen was in his honor Dr. Silver Borth-road renamed. On the occasion of his 100th birthday, a memorial plaque was put up at his last place of residence at Wilhelm-Nebelung-Straße 19 .

Works (selection)

  • History of the free imperial city of Nordhausen (= the thousand year old Nordhausen; vol. 1). Geiger, Horb am Neckar 1997, ISBN 3-89570-288-9 .
  • History of the Helmegau. Karl Meyer in memory . Hornickel, Nordhausen 1940.
  • Prussia and Hanover in the battle for the free imperial city of Nordhausen . Th. Müller, Nordhausen 1937.
  • About the old customs in the lands between Harz and Hainleite . Hornickel, Nordhausen 1935.
  • The land between Harz and Hainleite in the legend . Nordhausen 1933.
  • History of the Nordhäuser Gymnasium . G. Wimmer, Nordhausen 1923.
  • Who wants to hike: 84 excursions in d. Surroundings of Nordhausen . G. Wimmer, Nordhausen 1921.


  • Paul Koch: Dr. Hans Silberborth - Obituary. In: Journal of the Harz Association. Vol. 2 (81-82) 1949, pp. 151-155.
  • Werner Pellert: In memoriam Dr. Hans Silberborth. In: The Nordhausen Roland. Issue October 1954, p. 231.
  • Stadtarchiv Nordhausen, Hans-Jürgen Grönke (Ed.): Nordhausen personalities from eleven centuries . Geiger, Horb am Neckar 2009, ISBN 978-3-86595-336-0 , pp. 280-283.

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