Hans Spiller

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Hans Spiller (born February 18, 1923 in Weida , Thuringia ; † January 14, 2014 in Halle ) was a German legal scholar.

Scientific career

After studying law and passing the state examination at the University of Leipzig in 1954, Spiller received an assistant position and was promoted to senior assistant in 1955. He received his doctorate in 1957 at Leipzig University with an investigation into the subject of tax law and with effect from September 1, 1958, the senior assistant was appointed to lectureship in financial law at the then Institute for Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Martin Luther University in Halle- Wittenberg commissioned. His research areas in the GDR concerned both GDR financial law and international finance and business law. From September 1, 1960, the State Secretary for higher education and technical schools in the GDR, Wilhelm Girnus , appointed him lecturer for financial law at the law faculty of the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg. In his post-doctoral thesis of September 11, 1962 on the subject of "Sovereignty and international financial law relations", Spiller examined the domestic management of the GDR financial system and its international legal effects. In 1963 he was appointed professor and since then, according to the “Kürschner Scholars Calendar”, he was professor for the year 1966 with a teaching assignment for financial law, but initially continued to live in Leipzig . As a university professor with a chair in financial law and his residence in Halle , he was included in Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1970 .

Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economics

In the course of the third GDR university reform, a faculty for law and economics was founded at the Martin Luther University in Halle Wittenberg and, like all faculties, it was subordinated to a "Scientific Council". The management of this faculty was given to Spiller with the title of "Dean". He held this position from 1969 to 1984. In this position, his main task was to carry out doctoral procedures and to sign the certificates for the doctorate degree together with the university rector, between 1971 and 1977 rector Poppe . In the mid-1970s, the dean was assisted by the lawyer Siegfried Schulze (* 1925; † 2016) as scientific secretary, who also carried out research on insurance law in the research area “International Financial Law and Business Law” headed by Spiller.

Head of a science department at the University of Halle

In 1968, Spiller took over the management of the research area “International Financial Law and Business Law” created within the framework of the third GDR university reform within the newly created Political and Legal Science section at the University of Halle. This science area has been renamed several times. After the merger with the area of ​​international law with a view to the retirement of the chair holder, University Professor Gerhard Reintanz , in the "Scientific Area of International Legal Relations". In "Kürschner Scholars Calendar for the Year 1970" Spiller was listed as a university professor with a chair and residence in Halle. From the 1970s, Spiller, like his colleague Reintanz, was called in for expert work for the GDR Foreign Ministry . He also worked temporarily at the arbitration tribunal at the Chamber of Foreign Trade as an arbitrator.

Since 1986 he has headed the Commission for International Relations of the Academic Senate of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg . On May 19, 1987, Spiller gave a lecture at the Europa-Institut of the Saarland University in Saarbrücken on the subject: Tasks, legal status, financial and monetary system of the Comecon , in which he assessed the legal character of the Comecon Recommendations according to international law aspects .

Member of international organizations

Spiller was a member of various international associations:

Supervised dissertations (selection)

The doctoral theses written, supervised and assessed by Spiller in the scientific field include:

  • The amendment and cancellation of commercial contracts by partner agreement, Adler, Wolfram, Halle, 1963
  • Legal forms of financial auditing, Zötzsche, Richard, Halle, 1965
  • Legal problems of the bank closure in the area of ​​the former Soviet occupation zone of Germany, Göldner, Joachim, Halle, 1967
  • International legal problems of compensation for nationalized foreign private property, Scheller, Joachim, Halle, 1970
  • International legal problems of personal, property and liability insurance in both German states, Schulze, Siegfried, Halle, 1970
  • On the international law regulation of the GDR's foreign economic relations with the FRG, Gebhardt, Hans-Uwe, Halle, 1973
  • The financial law regime of selected international financial funds: analysis and development tendencies, Preuße, Annekatrin, Halle, 1988

Awards (selection)

Spiller received several state awards:


Spiller retired at the age of 65. On this occasion, an honorary colloquium was organized by the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Society for International Law in the GDR in Halle (Saale) in 1988.

After his retirement he worked as a lawyer in his own law firm under the business name “Prof. Dr. Hans Spiller ”in the city of Saale. When the newspaper landscape was reorganized in the GDR in 1990, Spiller, a renowned lawyer, was consulted to determine the legal situation of wholesaling and published a specialist article. After the peaceful revolution, the distribution of the press in the GDR was to be reorganized by a wholesaling system decreed by the media policy ministry under Gottfried Müller , in order to create “reasonably balanced” competitive conditions for the sale of press products and thereby preserve the freedom of the press.

Spiller found his final resting place in the Gertraudenfriedhof in Halle (Saale). The family name Spiller means something like "Spindelmacher, Spillemacher, -turnsler, -dreher".

Publications (selection)

  • The independence of tax law compared to civil law. At the same time a contribution to the determination of the subject of tax law, dissertation, University of Leipzig 1957
  • Sovereignty and international financial law relationships. Investigations on domestic. Head of the financial system and its international legal effects, habilitation thesis, Halle 1962
  • Legal problems of joint enterprises of socialist states. In: Law in Foreign Trade, 6/7 from 1963
  • Currency monopoly and international financial relations. Domestic and international legal effects, Berlin 1963
  • Tasks and status of international finance and currency law. In: State - Law - Economy. Scientific articles from the Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg, Issue 14/1968 pp. 98–119 (B 7), Halle (Saale) 1968
  • Legal regulations of the financial system of the GDR (co-author: Zötzsche, Richard), Halle 1970
  • Foreword to Schulze, Siegfried: Insurance Law. Text edition of the legal norms and contractual conditions for property, liability and personal insurance in the GDR with comments and subject index. Section Political Science and Law, Academic Area International Finance and Business Law, Berlin 1970
  • The legal system of economic and financial relations of socialist integration. In: Research and Development of the RGW, pp. 188–218, Berlin 1974
  • International Socialist Finance and Currency Law, Halle 1976
  • Final Aspects of Helsinki, New International Economic Order and Tasks of the University, Halle 1977
  • Financial and currency relations with non-socialist countries, Berlin 1984
  • Financial and Currency Relations of Socialist Economic Integration, Berlin 1988; ISBN 978-3-329-00359-4
  • Tasks, legal status, financial and monetary system of the Comecon. Lecture at the Europa-Institut of the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, May 19, 1987; Saarbrücken 1987
  • Financial and currency relations of socialist economic integration (co-author: Herbert Brandt), Berlin 1988; ISBN 978-3-329-00359-4

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Overview of the professors at the Alma Mater in Halle from 1945 to 1968; Spiller, Hans
  2. ^ Lieberwirth, Rolf: History of the Law Faculty of the University of Halle-Wittenberg after 1945. Facts and memories . Cologne / Munich 2008, p. 61 f .; ISBN 978-3-452-26840-2
  3. Berliner Zeitung, January 26, 1961, p. 6
  4. DNB 481146350 .
  5. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1966, Ed .: Werner Schuder, Bd. NZ, Berlin 1966, p. 2366 Keyword: Spiller, Hans
  6. Halle / S., Ratswerder 7c, in Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1970 , Ed. Werner Schuder , Berlin 1971, Volume NZ, p. 2888, column 2
  7. Breithaupt, Dirk: Juridical Biography GDR , 1993, pp. (495–496), 496 [Spiller, Hans], 1993; DNB 940131013
  8. In the course of the peaceful revolution in 1989, the now professor Siegfried Schulze was appointed chairman of the Central Committee of Inquiry of the GDR CDU, according to the daily newspaper Neue Zeit on December 18. 1989; Zefys, Berlin State Library.
  9. 1975: Section Political Science and Law of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Research Area International Legal Relations (Head of Research Area: Prof. Dr. H. Spiller) , according to the journal Hercynia NF, Leipzig 13 (1976) 2, p. 202 ; DNB 1027564526
  10. Kürschner's German Scholars Calendar 1970, Ed .: Werner Schuder, Bd. NZ, Berlin 1971, p. 2838 Keyword: Spiller, Hans
  11. ^ Lieberwirth, Rolf: History of the Law Faculty of the University of Halle-Wittenberg after 1945. Facts and memories . Cologne / Munich 2008, p. 62, footnote 210; ISBN 978-3-452-26840-2
  12. Spiller, Hans: Tasks, legal status, financial and monetary system of the Comecon. Saarbrücken 1987, p. 12
  13. Breithaupt, Dirk: Juridical Biography GDR , 1993, p. 496 [Spiller, Hans],
  14. DNB 481910549
  15. DNB 481256636
  16. DNB 482222883
  17. DNB 930576055
  18. DNB 36936757X
  19. DNB 930575911
  20. DNB 920288553
  21. ^ Legal biography GDR , dissertation presented by Dirk Breithaupt, University of Kiel , 1993
  22. Müller, Reinhard (ed.): "International economic, financial and currency law and economic security". [Honorary colloquium on the occasion of the 65th birthday of comrade Prof. Dr. Hans Spiller]; ISBN 978-3-86010-201-5
  23. Spiller, Hans / Koppehele, Harald: On the legal situation of the wholesale distribution of press products in the GDR . In: Archives for press law. Volume 21 -1990-, pp. 169–172
  24. Neue Zeit newspaper , May 11, 1990, p. 2
  25. ↑ Obituary notice and notice of thanks from his relatives for Prof. Dr. jur. habil. Hans Spiller in Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Halle / Saalkreis edition) from February 1 and 22, 2014; http://www.haben-haben.de/Trauerbeispiel/Hans-Spiller
  26. ^ Bahlow, Hans: Deutsches Namenlexikon , p. 483; ISBN 3-8112-0294-4