Hans von Müller

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Hans von Müller (born March 30, 1875 in Kiel , † March 8, 1944 in Berlin ) was a German literary historian , private scholar , writer and librarian .

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After four years of private tuition and high school diploma at the Kiel School of Academics (1894), von Müller studied German, history and philosophy in Munich, Leipzig, Berlin as well as law and administration in Marburg, Rostock and Berlin.

From 1895 he was constantly collecting sources on ETA Hoffmann's work , such as letters, diaries and drawings. The following year he became an employee of Eduard Grisebach , with whom he edited the ETA Hoffmann edition. Due to financial bottlenecks, he had to auction the E. T. A. Hoffmann autographs in 1911.

From 1897 to 1899 he worked for a time on the Nietzsche edition at the Nietzsche archive in Weimar . He then worked as a freelance writer and private scholar in Berlin , where he frequented artistic circles. After a brief interlude as administrator of the editorial library of the Berliner Tageblatt , he worked as a library assistant in the catalog and information service of the Berlin State Library from 1915 until his death .

He cultivated friendships with Paul Ernst , Otto Erich Hartleben , Alfred Kubin , Max Osborn , Richard Schaukal and Karl Scheffler . Although he became a member of the National Socialist Welfare Association in 1939, he kept his distance from the Nazi regime and was monitored by the Gestapo because of his contact with Jewish colleagues.


The award came about at the instigation of the then dean Rudolf Unger . In the explanation it says: “In grateful recognition of the merits that he has done in many years of astute, self-sacrificing and successful research work of exemplary methodological rigor and conscientious thoroughness in editorial, genealogical and bibliographical areas as well as through happy archival and library finds in the German literary studies of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, but above all about the new scientific justification of our knowledge and understanding ETA Hoffmann acquired. "


Web links

Wikisource: Hans von Müller  - Sources and full texts


  1. Quotation from Holzhausen: From the papers of a well-known Hoffmann researcher. Hans von Müller on his 125th birthday on March 30, 2000, in: ETA Hoffmann-Jahrbuch 8 (2000), pp. 81-105, here: p. 101.