Happy New Year (2008)

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Original title happy New Year
Country of production Switzerland
original language Swiss German , German
Publishing year 2008
length 95 minutes
Director Christoph Schaub
script Grischa Duncker , Thomas Hess , collaboration with Christoph Schaub
production Marcel Hoehn
music Courtship Bachmann , Peter Bräker
camera Stéphane Kuthy
cut Marina Wernli

Happy New Year is a Swiss cinema film by director Christoph Schaub from 2008. The production by Zürcher T&C Film was shot from December 2007 to January 2008 and received four nominations for the Swiss Quartz Film Prize : Best Feature Film , Best Screenplay , Best Film Music and Best Actor (Nils Althaus). The film tells the stories of ten people on a New Year's Eve. There are five different storylines, which are connected by chance at some points.


Happy New Year follows five different storylines, all of which take place on New Year's Eve. Gloria is left by her husband in the agreed restaurant for New Year's Eve dinner and meets the taxi driver Kaspar, who had already chauffeured her that afternoon. Kasper is familiar with acute love fiasco because his girlfriend has just left him. The loner Pascal has to take care of the neighbor girl Karin to his reluctance. Zoe prefers to spend New Year's Eve with her friend Sabrina and Oskar in his father's villa than with her alcoholic mother Christina. The retired couple Herbert and Anne-Marie are looking for their dog, which has run away from the cracking of the New Year's rockets. And the police officers Nina and Oliver are on patrol together on New Year's Eve.

In the course of the film, philosophical discussions arise, first with the perspective of “unobstructed view of the fireworks”, and soon with the realization that life is too short to not celebrate the encounter of strangers with all your senses.


“The warmest comedy for the cold season […] Zurich is no less glittering, dangerous or shabby than New York, London or Berlin, the many locations are sometimes cool, sometimes bewitching, sometimes daring. Here, too, the night vibrates with loud lights, life and music and defiantly maintains its global stability. "

- Simon Meier, Tages-Anzeiger , November 13, 2008

Happy New Year is fresh, lively, relaxed and funny - simply the best that Swiss films can counteract the mood of crisis. Several New Year's stories are interwoven in short film clips and told in parallel. Short sequences, which are well selected, easily proportioned and light-footed, bring a surprising film with a hopeful ending. [...] The cast of actors is excellent and they also play wonderfully. "

- ensuite Kulturmagazin , Bern, November 2008

"A personal and yet universal view of the New Year, a firework of emotions, touching, enchanting."

- Mathias Lerf, SonntagsZeitung , November 9, 2008

Individual evidence

  1. "Happy New Year" press release ( Memento of the original from April 28, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. .  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.happynewyear-film.ch

Web links