Hardy Hepp

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Hardy Hepp (born May 13, 1944 in Zurich ; actually Heinrich Hepp ) is a Swiss musician and artist.


Hardy Hepp in Rüti in the Zurich Oberland grew up and started in 1967 as a freelance artist independently . He hosted the first music program Hits à Gogo on Swiss television , which was also the first Swiss television program in color . In 1968 he founded the legendary Swiss rock band Krokodil with Les Sauterelles drummer Düde Dürst .

In 1971 he got out there and subsequently played ten solo albums. In 1978 he founded the band "Hand in Hand" - again with Dürst and Max Lässer . With the "Heppchor" founded in 1991 - a women's choir to which Dodo Hug and Vera Kaa belonged - he has given concerts worldwide and recorded three albums. He has also composed theater and film music - for example for Xavier Koller's film The Black Tanner , for Thomas Hürlimann and Urs Widmer . He has also made a name for himself as a draftsman and painter.

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