Harvest of Empire

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Original title Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America
Country of production United States
original language Danish
Publishing year 2012
length 91 minutes
Director Peter Getzel's
Eduardo Lopez
script Juan González
production James L. Felter
Eduardo Lopez
James Orr
Wendy Thompson-Marquez
Harriet Gordon Getzels
music Chris Biondo
Lenny Williams
camera James M. Felter
cut James M. Felter
Catherine Shields

Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America is an American documentary from the year 2012 , based on the screenplay by journalist Juan González . The film describes and explains the connection between a long history of US intervention in Latin America and the problem of strong immigration pressure from Latin America to the United States. In its perspective, however, the film is limited to the description of the Central American immigration movements into the USA.


Harvest of Empire tells the story of Latin American immigration to the United States based on the United States' relationships and interventions with individual Central American states:

  • Mexico : The film explains the high proportion of Mexicans in the US-American Latino population against the historical background of the settlement of the Midwest by Mexican settlers, the annexation of these areas by the United States in the Mexican-American War (1846–1848), the immigration of Mexican workers as cheap workers in u. a. Agriculture and war industries. At the same time, the connection between the NAFTA treaties, an increase in Mexican unemployment in the low-wage sector and corresponding immigration efforts by Mexicans is explained.
  • Puerto Rico : The film explains the origins of Puerto Rican immigrants in the United States through the de facto colonization of Puerto Rico and the targeted recruitment of Puerto Rican workers for the US industry in the Northwest.
  • Cuba : The film shows a connection between the intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba, the support of the dictatorial regime of Fulgencio Batista (1952-1958), whose overthrow by Fidel Castro in 1959 and the subsequent communist dictatorship of Castro on the one hand and Cuban immigration into the USA - especially to Florida - on the other hand.
  • Dominican Republic : Harvest of Empire depicts the relationship between the US intervention in the Dominican Republic in the form of longstanding support for the brutal dictator Rafael Trujillo and the US military intervention against a rebellion to restore democratically elected President Juan Bosch in 1965 and the Dominican immigration to the USA.
  • Nicaragua : The support of the Somoza dictatorship (1934–1979) by the United States as well as the subsequent terror campaign of the Contras (see Iran-Contra affair ) against the Nicaraguan civilian population and the Sandinista government during the presidency of Ronald Reagan are shown by the film as Cause for Nicaraguan immigration shown.
  • Guatemala : The overthrow of the democratically legitimized left government of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954 and its replacement by the US-friendly dictator Carlos Castillo Armas , which took place within the framework of the Truman Doctrine , led from 1960 to 1996 to a civil war with genocide-like features, the consequences of which were 200,000 Dead and over a million refugees, the majority of whom emigrated to the United States and Mexico.
  • El Salvador : The CIA's support for the military dictatorship in El Salvador led to a civil war with over 70,000 dead and hundreds of thousands of refugees, most of whom emigrated to the United States.

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