Hausleitnerwald ( cadastral community ) | ||
Basic data | ||
Pole. District , state | Mistelbach (MI), Lower Austria | |
Judicial district | Mistelbach | |
Pole. local community | Neudorf near Staatz | |
Coordinates | 48 ° 44 '0 " N , 16 ° 32' 55" E | |
Area d. KG | 1.4 km² | |
Statistical identification | ||
Cadastral parish number | 13021 | |
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS |
Hausleitnerwald (also Hausleitner Wald ) is an uninhabited cadastral municipality in the municipality of Neudorf in the Weinviertel in the Mistelbach district in Lower Austria .
The cadastral community Hausleitnerwald with the forest area Hausleitner Wald is located on the northeastern edge of the community, on the border with the community Falkenstein .
In the local history book Mistelbach , a legend is mentioned of a village in the forest that is said to have been located between Kirchstetten and Falkenstein and should therefore be looked for in the Hausleitnerwald. Before it was merged with Neudorf, the cadastral community belonged to the Kirchstetten community.
Individual evidence
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