Massage therapist and medical lifeguard

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In Germany, masseur and medical bath attendant (female form: masseuse and medical bath attendant ) and in Switzerland medical masseur (female form: medical masseuse ) is the professional designation for a health profession in which people provide therapies such as massages , electrotherapy or baths for healing or relief Apply to sick people. Your therapeutic assistance takes place on the instruction of doctors in the form of prescriptions from resident doctors or therapy plans in hospitals, rehabilitation centers and health resorts. Training and the profession have been protected in Germany since 1994 by the Massage Therapy and Physiotherapists Act (MPhG).

In Austria a distinction is made between commercial (general) masseurs and medical masseurs or therapeutic masseurs (see: Training in Austria ). The term Heilbademeister (medical bath attendant) is no longer in use. The provisions for these areas of activity are regulated in the Medical Masseur and Therapeutic Masseur Act - MMHmG .

Colloquially, the pool attendants are also known as pool attendants. However, these are specialists for pool operations (swimming master assistant) or master for pool operations ( swimming master ). Since the word massage is also used for sexually oriented activities, the term masseuse is now considered ambiguous and unsuitable.

Training in Germany


The training is regulated by the training and examination regulations for masseurs and medical pool attendants (MB-APrV) and takes place at state or state-recognized vocational schools. In addition to the schools that require school fees, which are mostly privately run, there are schools at some universities that charge little or no school fees. There the budding masseurs and medical lifeguards are used in return for the pool departments.

You must have reached the age of 16 for the training. Furthermore, the trainee should have at least a secondary school certificate or an equivalent recognized school education with a completed vocational training of at least one year. In addition, he must present a medical certificate stating that he is fit for the job.

Training content

The trainees are taught the basics of anatomy and physiology , in particular the muscles and bone structure. The theory of diseases and hygiene form further theoretical bases . Theoretically and practically, general and special massages , including reflexology and underwater pressure jet massage, are taught. As more therapies are the basics and technique of heat and light treatment, electrotherapy and Radiation Medicine and the basic terms and principles of the bath medicine , including the Kneipp 'rule procedure has notified. The training plan also includes association teaching, first aid , as well as general and special professional teaching, including professional ethics .

Medical foot care was a specialty of the training until 2003 . Since this year the title of medical podiatrist has been a protected professional title, it may no longer be trained by masseurs and medical pool attendants or one may no longer wear the title without the state examination.

Training opportunities

The numerous training opportunities include training in lymphatic drainage and sports massage or as a fitness specialist or specialist in social services. Some physiotherapy schools offer shortened training for masseurs and medical lifeguards. With a required university entrance qualification, z. B. courses in the fields of sports or medical education are studied.

Training in Switzerland


Medical masseurs work in the health sector in the areas of health promotion, health advice, prevention and therapy. You have a wide range of activities. You are proficient in various forms of massage and physical medicine measures. If necessary, they carry out electrotherapy and use water, light, heat, etc. for treatment. They carry out physical therapy procedures and health promotion measures on behalf of doctors and in collaboration with physiotherapists. The services offered are aimed at individuals, young people, adults, the elderly, the healthy, the sick and the disabled. There are jobs in medical practices, physiotherapy, spa institutions, spas and in rheumatism and rehabilitation clinics. Freelance work is also possible in compliance with the statutory provisions. With the regulation of the occupation of medical masseur by the SRK, the occupation was also given a profile that strengthened its anchoring in the health care system. Training courses are standardized and the regulations help to enforce a training standard. The duration of the training is two years, during which theoretical and practical knowledge is imparted. At the end there is the federal examination Since it was recognized by the OPET (Federal Office for Vocational Education and Technology), today SERI (State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation), the profession of medical masseur is no longer a basic training at secondary level, but counts with the federal professional examination to the tertiary level of the Swiss educational system and concludes with a federal certificate.

Training content

The trainees are taught the basics of anatomy , the musculoskeletal system, physiology, pathophysiology and hygiene. Theoretically and practically, general and special massages , including reflexology, manual lymphatic drainage and complex physical decongestive therapy are taught. Further therapies are the basics and technology of heat and light treatment, electrotherapy and thermo- / hydrotherapy.

The focus of the work of medical masseurs is the passive movement phase or the resting posture before and after movement. In the event of musculoskeletal disorders, the professionals intervene effectively: They help to eliminate or alleviate pain, bad posture or tension. They influence internal organs and systems of the human body through manual and apparatus-based tissue mobilization, which in particular improves blood circulation and breathing. It is their aim to prevent pathological conditions and to maintain and promote normal movement functions. You take part in health promotion campaigns and advice.

Training opportunities

There are numerous training opportunities, including training in lymphatic drainage and sports massage.

The vocational qualification at tertiary level enables further training at a higher technical college, e.g. B. the Bachelor of Science (FH) in Physiotherapy or the Bachelor of Science (FH) in Nursing up to the Master's degree.

Training in Austria


Access to the various training courses is only possible from the age of 17 and if you are physically fit. One distinguishes the

  • (Commercial) masseur
  • Medical masseur
  • Therapeutic masseur

The training to become a (commercial) masseur takes place either in a two-year apprenticeship or via course training at relevant further education or health institutions. Apprentices are trained as part of dual vocational training at vocational schools and masseur companies as well as health and wellness facilities. At the end of the apprenticeship period, apprentices take the final apprenticeship examination and can work independently after passing a proficiency test. Masseurs can complete so-called related apprenticeships, such as podiatrists and beauticians , with a shorter apprenticeship period.

The activities of medical masseurs and therapeutic masseurs have an almost identical professional profile. The main difference is that a massage therapist can work as a freelancer. For this, a therapeutic masseur needs the professional qualification as a medical masseur and additional training of 800 hours. Training to become a medical masseur usually takes place at health and nursing schools or at hospital training centers. Resident massage therapists with training authorization or private institutions also offer courses.

Training content

The basic training content of medical masseurs and therapeutic masseurs differs only slightly from one another in Austria and Germany. According to the law, commercial masseurs are only allowed to treat the healthy body in Austria. Accordingly, they carry out classic partial and full body massages and also special massages (e.g. foot reflex and acupuncture massages) to increase general physical well-being and to relax after physical activity. They also use packs (e.g. mud), wraps, heat and water treatments, radiation, exercise therapy and gymnastics.

Training opportunities

Passing the final apprenticeship examination enables commercial masseurs to gain access to the vocational matura (vocational maturity examination) and to many further training courses in other health professions.

According to the MMHmG, medical masseurs and therapeutic masseurs can complete special training courses in the following areas:

  • Electrotherapy
  • Hydro and balneotherapy

Your training will u. a. counted for the following professions: geriatric nurse, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, health and nurse.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: Masseur  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

References and footnotes

  1. RIS, Entire Legal Regulation for the Medical Masseur and Therapeutic Masseur Act , accessed on June 10, 2015.
  2. Sentence based on Kluge Etymological Dictionary of the German Language , 24th edition, 2002, Lemma massieren : "[...] above all the feminine masseuse has sunk and is often replaced by masseuse."
  3. ^ Arnd Krüger : History of movement therapy, in: Preventive medicine . Springer, Heidelberg Loseblatt Collection 1999, 07.06, pp. 1–22.
  4. § 68. (1) Medical Masseur and Therapeutic Masseur Act , special qualification training, accessed on June 10, 2015.