Heinrich Anton Carl Berger

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Hipped roof house by Carl Berger in Coburg

Heinrich Anton Carl Berger (born November 9, 1796 in Coburg ; † 1861 ) was a German doctor , fossil collector , geologist and paleontologist .

Live and act

During his medical studies , in which he matriculated on May 4, 1815 , he probably became a member of the original fraternity in Jena . In the meantime, he studied in Würzburg (matriculated on May 2, 1817) and Berlin (matriculated November 4, 1817 to June 14, 1818). In 1817 he took part in the Wartburg Festival. In 1819 he was in Jena to the Dr. med. PhD .

On January 2, 1820, he married Johanna Sophie Augusta Ulrike Schön . His only son, Johann Georg August Carl Berger , the second assistant in the registry of the Ducal Cammer, died on July 31, 1848 at the age of 27.

His main occupation was a doctor and medical advisor in Coburg. Around 1859 he moved to Hildburghausen . He was a member of the Mineralogical Society of Jena (September 3, 1815) and the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors and researched the geology and palaeontology of the area around Coburg , especially from the Triassic . He was in early contact with Lorenz Oken (professor in Jena and participant in the Wartburg Festival), who in September 1828 presented exhibits and drawings of fossils from his collection to the participants of the 7th meeting of naturalists and doctors in Germany in Berlin for assessment. To attempt the leaves and fruit fragments determine , was unsuccessful. Carl Berger recognized the scientific importance of the fossil Coburg plant finds and obtained the approval from Ernst I. Anton Carl Ludwig of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha that future plant finds should be included in the state's public collections so that important items are not scattered into individual collections are. In 1834 he gave a lecture at the meeting in Stuttgart on "The occurrence of a Voltzia with fructifications in the Keuper of Coburg" and gave the society his work "The fossils of fish and plants in the sandstones of the Coburg area" for inclusion in the Royal Public Library.

He is the first to describe the mussel Unio keuperinus BERGER, 1854 and the gastropod "Promathildia" theodorii (BERGER), 1854.

Louis Agassiz named the fossil fish Semionotus bergeri in his honor in 1833 . In 1866, Karl von Seebach named the mussel Halobia bergeri after Berger.

His collection went to the University of Göttingen in 1863 .

His two-storey hipped roof house on the other side of the Ketschentor (Ketschendorfer Strasse 6) in Coburg was declared a monument.


  • The fossilization of fish and plants in the sandstone of the Coburg area , Coburg 1832 Google Books
  • Thalassides is Pachyodon: species of Semionotus . New yearbook for mineralogy, geognosy, geology and petrefacts customer, year 1843, 86 archives
  • The Keuper formation with its conchylia in the area of ​​Coburg is described . New yearbook for mineralogy, geognosy, geology and petrefacts customer, year 1854, 408 - 414 archives
  • The fossils in the Röth of Hildburghausen . New yearbook for mineralogy, geognosy, geology and petrefacts customer, year 1859, 168 - 171 archives
  • The fossils of the foamy lime in the Thuringian Forest . New yearbook for mineralogy, geognosy, geology and petrefacts customer, year 1860, 196 - 206 archives

References and comments

  1. Date of birth and brief curriculum vitae according to Bruno von Freyberg : The geological literature on Northeast Bavaria (1476–1965) Part II: Biographical authors' register, Geologica Bavarica 71, Bavarian Geological State Office 1974
  2. ^ Karl von Seebach : The Conchylia fauna of the Weimar Triassic. Journal of the German Geological Society, Volume 13, 4th Issue, August, September and October 1861, p. 608. Berger is referred to as recently deceased digitalisat
  3. ^ Peter Kaupp (edit.): Stamm-Buch of the Jenaische Burschenschaft. The members of the original fraternity 1815-1819 (= treatises on student and higher education. Vol. 14). SH-Verlag, Cologne 2005, ISBN 3-89498-156-3 , p. 167.
  4. Herzogl.-Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeldisches Government and Intelligence Gazette, 3rd edition, Saturday January 15, 1820, p. 40 Google Books
  5. ^ Government and Intelligence Gazette for the Duchy of Coburg, Item 22, Saturday June 1, 1844, pp. 413-414 Google Books
  6. ^ Government and Intelligence Gazette for the Duchy of Coburg, 33rd piece, Saturday, August 12, 1848, p. 664 Google Books
  7. Allgemeine Anzeiger der Deutschen, Gotha, Tuesdays September 26, 1815, p. 2652 Google Books
  8. Tageblatt at the fourteenth meeting of natural scientists and doctors in Germany, Jena 1836, p. 7 Archives
  9. Official report on the 7th meeting of German natural scientists and doctors in Berlin in September 1828, Berlin 1829 p. 39 Google Books
  10. The fossilization of fish and plants in the sandstone of the Coburg area, Coburg 1832, preface
  11. ^ Official report on the 12th meeting of German natural scientists and doctors in Stuttgart in September 1834, Stuttgart 1835 p. 85 and 130 Google Books
  12. Adriana Lopez-Arbarello: Revision of Semionotus bergeri Agassiz, 1833 (Upper Triassic, Germany), with comments on the taxonomic status of Semionotus (Actinopterygii, semionotiformes). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 82, 2008, pp. 40–54
  13. ^ Karl von Seebach: New organic remains from the Central German Triassic. In: Journal of the German Geological Society, Volume 18, 1866, p. 7 Archives
  14. Karl von Seebach: On the criticism of the genus Myophoria Bronn and its Triassic species. News from the Royal. Society of Sciences and the Georg-August University of Göttingen, 1867, p. 375 Hathitrust