Heinrich August Friedrich Buchholz

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Heinrich August Friedrich Buchholz (born September 29, 1835 in Hameln , † February 13, 1911 in Wiesbaden ) was royal Prussian major general and most recently the commandant of Glatz .


His parents were the secret admiralty Georg Heinrich Adolf Buchholz († July 15, 1877) and his wife Sophie Luise Mathilde Kranke († July 2, 1846).


He received his education first at the Progymnasium Hameln and then at the Lyceum in Hanover . Then he came on March 29, 1855 as a cadet in the Hanoverian 2nd Infantry Regiment, on September 4, 1855 he came as a second lieutenant with a patent on September 13, 1855 in the 7th Infantry Regiment. He rose to Premier-Lieutenant on May 26, 1858 and was posted to the Military Academy in Hanover from 1858 to 1859. From October 1, 1860 to September 30, 1861 he was posted to the engineer corps, after which he was posted to the cadet corps from August 1, 1862 to June 17, 1866 as a teacher. During the mobilization for the German war he was transferred to the medical company on June 17, 1866. He took part in the battle of Langensalza against the Prussians. After the lost war, the Kingdom of Hanover was annexed by Prussia and the army dissolved.

Buchholz then switched to the Prussian Army on March 9, 1867, where he was assigned to the 41st Infantry Regiment as Premier Lieutenant with a patent on May 11, 1862, and was assigned to the 41st Infantry Regiment on May 18, 1867. On December 14, 1868 he became a captain and company commander. During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 he fought at Colombey and Noisseville . He also took part in the siege of Metz and the battle at Nouilly. For this he received the Iron Cross 2nd Class on November 5, 1870 .

After the war he was on April 30, 1877, he joined the staff of the 41st Infantry Regiment and was promoted to major on July 16, 1878. On March 22, 1881, he was transferred to the 5th grenadier regiment as a regular staff officer, and on September 16, 1881, he was transferred to the fusilier battalion as commander. Then he was transferred to the 71st Infantry Regiment on August 4, 1887 as a lieutenant colonel and regular staff officer. On August 4, 1887, he was entrusted with the management of the regiment and was placed a la suite of the regiment. On September 19, 1888 he was promoted to colonel and confirmed as regimental commander. But on March 22, 1891, he was transferred to the Glatz Fortress as commandant and was assigned to the 71st Infantry Regiment a la suite. On May 16, 1891, he received the character of major general and on January 15, 1893, the Order of the Crown, 2nd class . On 18 October 1895 he was charged with board for discussion found and the Red Eagle 2nd class excellent.

He died on February 13, 1911 in Wiesbaden.


Buchholz married on May 4, 1869 in Königsberg in Prussia Luise Elisabeth Helene Burghardt (* March 7, 1843, † September 24, 1922), a daughter of the railway engineer Hugo Richard Burghardt . The couple had several children:

  • Marie (born June 6, 1870)
  • Hans Hugo Adolf (born January 11, 1872), major in the 15th Infantry Regiment
  • Fritz (1875-1875)
  • Adolf Julius Theodor (born October 12, 1876), major in the 84th Infantry Regiment


Individual evidence

  1. Priesdorf: 1878