Heinrich Barth (philosopher)

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Heinrich Barth-Helbing (1890–1965) Dr.  phil., professor, E. h.  of theology, honorary grave in the cemetery at Hörnli, Riehen, Basel-Stadt
Honorary grave in the Hörnli cemetery , Riehen , Basel-Stadt

Heinrich Barth (born February 3, 1890 in Bern , † May 22, 1965 in Basel ) was a Swiss representative of existential philosophy .


Barth was the son of theology professor Fritz Barth and Anna Katharina Barth, née Sartorius. He had two brothers, Karl and Peter , and two sisters, Katharina and Gertrud.

Heinrich Barth spent his childhood in Bern, where his father held a professorship for church history and the New Testament at the University of Bern from 1891 . He attended the free grammar school in Bern and studied philosophy and classical philology in Bern and Marburg . In Marburg he heard from Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp . In 1913 he obtained his doctorate in Bern. phil. From 1918 Barth was a teacher at the daughter school in Basel. In 1920 he completed his habilitation at the University of Basel , where he worked as an associate professor from 1928 to 1942 and as a professor of philosophy from 1942 to 1960. Barth was married to Gertrud Esther, b. Helbing, the daughter of a Basel publisher. In 1959 Barth received the Dr. theol. hc from the University of Bern.


Barth initially helped to build up his brother Karl's dialectical theology. His philosophical work has always been about theological issues.

After his habilitation thesis The Soul in Plato's Philosophy (1921) , his first major work, the Philosophy of Practical Reason , appeared in 1927, the year of Heidegger's Being and Time . At the start of Kant's practical philosophy, he already developed the main features of his own existential philosophy, albeit without placing the focus on the term existence . In the monumental two-volume, problem-oriented study Philosophy of Appearance (1947 and 1959) he laid the foundation for his later, appearance-related philosophy. In the summarizing late major work Knowledge of Existence (1965), based on the works of Plato , Augustine and Kant , he drafted the idea that existence must be understood as a step-by-step recognition of what is required in the respective situation. Barth developed a dialogical approach . In the world of appearances, the people who appear are that which concerns people and stimulates them to think. The connection to theology is clearly shown again in the essay volume Existential Philosophy and New Testament Hermeneutics (1967).


  • Descartes Justification of Knowledge , 1913 (Diss.)
  • The soul in Plato's philosophy , 1921 (Habil.)
  • Philosophy of Practical Reason , 1927.
  • The freedom of decision in Augustine's thought , 1935.
  • Philosophy of appearance. A problem story . Volume 1: Antiquity, Benno Schwabe (Basel / Stuttgart), 1947. Volume 2: Modern times, Benno Schwabe (Basel / Stuttgart), 1959.
  • Knowledge of existence. Basic lines of a philosophical system , 1965. ISBN 978-3-7965-0019-0
  • Existential philosophy and New Testament hermeneutics , treatises. Edited by Günther Hauff in connection with Hans Grieder and Armin Wildermuth, 1967. ISBN 978-3-7965-0020-6
  • Philosophy of Theoretical Knowledge. Epistemology , ed. v. Christian Graf, Alice Loos a. Harald Schwaetzer, Regensburg 2005. ISBN 3-89783-511-8
  • Philosophy of the Aesthetic , ed. v. Christian Graf, Cornelia Müller u. Harald Schwaetzer, Regensburg 2006. ISBN 3-89783-545-2
  • Outline of a Philosophy of Existence , ed. v. Christian Graf, Cornelia Müller u. Harald Schwaetzer, Regensburg 2007. ISBN 978-3-89783-606-8
  • Pestalozzi´s findings and teachings , ed. v. Johanna Hueck, Regensburg 2016. ISBN 978-3-89783-844-4


  • Günther Hauff, Hans Rudolf Schweizer and Armin Wildermuth (eds.): Make an appearance. Heinrich Barth's Philosophy of the Aesthetic , Schwabe, Basel 1990, ISBN 978-3-7965-0907-0
  • Rudolf Bind, Georg Maier and Hans Rudolf Schweizer (eds.): "Appearing", selected texts from Heinrich Barth's main work "Knowledge of Existence" with introductions, 1999, ISBN 978-3-7965-1328-2
  • Christian Graf: Heinrich Barths 'Knowledge of Existence' in the Context of Modern Thinking , 2004. ISBN 3-89783-442-1
  • Christian Graf: Origin and Crisis. Heinrich Barth's existential-gnoseological basic approach in its development and in the context of recent debates (= Schwabe Philosophica Vol. XII), 2008. ISBN 978-3-7965-2413-4
  • Hans Rainer Sepp and Amin Wildermuth (eds.): Concepts of the phenomenal. Heinrich Barth - Eugen Fink - Jan Patočka . Orbis Phenomenologicus. Perspectives. New series 22. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2010. ISBN 978-3-8260-3900-3

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