Heinrich Christian Sander

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Heinrich Christian Sander 1905

Heinrich Christian Sander (born August 2, 1853 in Brunshausen near Stade , † August 6, 1934 in Hamburg ) was a Hamburg judge and senator.

After studying law, Sander entered the Prussian civil service. He became a public prosecutor with stations in Thorn (1884–1887), Münster (1887–1890) and Bochum in 1890. In the same year he switched to the Hamburg public service, where he remained a public prosecutor. In 1896 he was promoted to district judge and six years later to district court director. As such, he was elected by the notables on November 18, 1902 to the Hamburg citizenship , where he joined the faction of the right.

On December 5, 1904, Sander was elected to the Senate for the retired Gustav Ferdinand Hertz . There he mainly represented the interior and police departments. Sander was a member of the Senate until March 28, 1919, when he, like all senators, submitted his resignation. On May 12, 1919, Sander was reappointed district court director, an office he held until his retirement on October 1, 1923.


Sander married Minna Baare, daughter of the Bochum economic pioneer and industrialist Louis Baare . They had two sons, Heinz and Fritz, and a daughter, Gertrud.

Fritz Sander was killed during the brawn riots while defending the town hall on the side of the Bahrenfeld volunteers.

Individual evidence

  1. Hamburg Foreign Gazette of August 1, 1928.
  2. Hamburg Foreign Gazette of August 6, 1934.