Heinrich Degenkolb

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Signature of Karl Heinrich Degenkolb

Karl Heinrich Degenkolb , from 1880 by Degenkolb , (born October 25, 1832 in Eilenburg , † September 2, 1909 in Thusis ) was a German law scholar and university professor specializing in civil law and civil procedural law .


Heinrich Degenkolb, son of the factory owner Carl Degenkolb , began studying law in 1850, first in Tübingen, then in Bonn, Heidelberg and Berlin. His doctorate took place in 1855, after which he entered the Prussian civil service. In 1860 he was appointed court assessor. In 1861 he completed his habilitation at the University of Berlin , where he worked as a private lecturer from 1863. In 1869 he was appointed full professor of Roman law at the University of Freiburg . From 1871 to 1872 he held a mandate as a representative of the University of Freiburg in the First Chamber of the Baden Estates Assembly . In 1872 he went to the University of Tübingen , where he became a recognized Romance and proceduralist. In 1893 he took over a professorship in Leipzig. He retired in 1904.

In 1880 Heinrich von Degenkolb was awarded the Knight of Honor Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown , which was associated with the personal title of nobility.

Publications (selection)

  • De legato quod fiebat per praeceptionem , dissertation 1855
  • The Lex Hieronica and the lien of the tax tenants , 1861 (reprinted 1968)
  • Right to place and rent , 1867 (reprinted 1969)
  • Admission obligation and judgment norm , 1877
  • Contributions to civil litigation , 1905 (reprint 1969)


  • Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy : Heinrich Degenkolb † . In: in: Rhenish Journal for Civil Procedure Law at Home and Abroad Vol. 2, 1910, before p. 1.
  • Otto Geib : Heinrich Degenkolb † . In: Archiv für die civilistische Praxis, Vol. 106, 1910, pp. 1-51.
  • Hans-Joachim Böttcher : Degenkolb, Karl Heinrich . In: Important historical personalities of the Dübener Heide (= series of publications of the Working Group for Central German Family Research No. 237). Leipzig 2012, p. 21.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Bauer, Bernhard Gißler: The members of the First Chamber of the Badische Ständeversammlung from 1819 to 1912. Fidelitas, Karlsruhe 1913, 5th edition, p. 87.
  2. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Württemberg 1907, p. 63.