Heinrich Eberhard

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Heinrich Eberhard (born February 24, 1884 in Ellwangen an der Jagst, † November 3, 1973 in Stuttgart ) was a German painter .

Heinrich Eberhard attended at the Kgl. Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart from 1904 first the drawing class of Robert Poetzelberger and then Christian Landenberger's painting class for two years . From 1908 to 1914 he was a master student of Adolf Hölzel , who had a decisive influence on his artistic development. Although he was not represented at the large Stuttgart exhibition of the Association of Art Friends in the countries on the Rhine in the so-called "Expressionist Hall" that Hölzel had put together, he figured in other rooms of the exhibition with two oil paintings. In 1916 he was one of the participants in the legendary Freiburg exhibition "Hölzel and his circle", which was also shown in Frankfurt am Main in 1917. After study trips to Greece, Russia and France, Eberhard became a member of the Stuttgart “ Üecht Group ” in 1920 . a. Willi Baumeister and Oskar Schlemmer belonged.

He dealt with Hölzel's teachings well into old age, and was also considered a credible witness to events at the Stuttgart Academy after the First World War, which texts such as "Memories of Adolf Hölzel" (1960) and "Adolf Hölzel's farewell" (1962) attest .

Eberhard's oeuvre includes oil paintings, drawings, prints and glass windows and is characterized by a pluralism of styles between expressive naturalism, cubist influences and abstraction. According to the art historian Vanessa Sigalas, who dedicated a monograph to Eberhard, “style pluralism was the essence of his art”.

Eberhard's pictures were among those ostracized by the National Socialists as "degenerate" and his picture "Vision" was shown in the exhibition "Degenerate Art" . Until the 1950s Eberhard (according to Sigalas) met with "enormous feedback", was also present in 1961 in the Stuttgart Kunstverein exhibition "Hölzel und seine Kreis" organized by Wolfgang Venzmer with a larger selection of works, but has since been forgotten. In 2014 a retrospective was dedicated to him in Horb and his pictures were exhibited in the Kunsthalle Bielefeld .


  • Vanessa Sigala: The painter Heinrich Eberhard (1884–1973). Monograph and catalog raisonné of the paintings . VDG, Weimar 2014, ISBN 978-3-89739-802-3 .
  • Michael Zerhusen: Exhibition shows Heinrich Eberhard as a wanderer between tradition and modernity . In: Südwestpresse: Neckar Chronicle . March 29, 2014 ( neckar-chronik.de [accessed December 17, 2016]).
  • Beate Gralla: Almost nothing is known about Heinrich Eberhard . In: Schwäbische Zeitung . January 4, 2002 ( schwaebische.de ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Exhibition catalog Art Exhibition Stuttgart 1914 , Kgl. Art building, Schloßplatz, May to October, ed. from the Association of Art Friends in the States on the Rhine, Stuttgart 1914, p. 23, cat.-no. 156 ("Grauer Tag", oil painting) and p. 45, cat. No. 382 ("Descent from the Cross", oil painting).
  2. ^ Exhibition catalog Hölzel and his circle 1916 . Stuttgart: Strecker and Schröder [Drucker], September 1916, fig, p. 37 (“Landscape”) and p. 38 (“Crucifixion”).
  3. Wolfgang Kermer (Ed.): "Dear Master Hölzel ..." (Willi Baumeister) - Students remember their teacher: on the 70th anniversary of Adolf Hölzel's death on October 17, 2004 . With an afterword by the editor. (= WerkstattReihe . Volume 11). State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-931485-67-6 , pp. 18–24, 27–28.
  4. ^ Exhibition catalog Hölzel and his circle: Stuttgart's contribution to 20th century painting . Opening exhibition of the Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart in the rebuilt art building on Schloßplatz, September 8 to November 5, 1961. Cantz, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 1961, cat. No. 81–95, fig, p. 82.
  5. In the exhibition Happiness in Art Expressionism and Abstraction around 1914 - Bunte Collection, from March 21 to August 17, 2014