Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuss

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Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuß (born October 21, 1760 in Chemnitz , † May 19, 1838 in Meißen ) was a well-known porcelain painter from the Meissen manufactory and taught at the local drawing school. His artistic talent and his services at the drawing school were honored with the title “Saxon Court Painter”.

Paper cut portrait of Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuss
The Albrechtsburg in Meissen
Royal Saxon Porcelain Manufactory Meißen


Youth and parents

Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuß was born on October 21, 1760 in Chemnitz as the son of Christian Wilhelm Schaufuss, gold and silver worker, and his wife Juliana Sophia . He had three siblings: Christina Wilhelmina, Christian Friedrich and Christian August. His grandfather, Friedrich Wilhelm Schaufuss, was a wealthy, well-known Saxon lawyer . The mother was the daughter of the electoral Saxon otter catcher Michael Roschers.

Even as a child he was extremely talented as an artist. He visited in Chemnitz the school and in art lessons he drew particularly fond of portraits of his classmates. His talent for painting far exceeded that of his teachers. He was particularly enthusiastic about the Italian painter Raffael and his balanced pictures ( portraits ).


He studied at the art academy in Dresden a . a. near Schenau ( Johann Eleazar Zeissig ). In 1764 the “General Art Academy” was founded, the general director was Christian Ludwig von Hagedorn , who was also responsible for the Royal Drawing School in Meissen .


Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuss was married in Meißen . Little is known about the Schaufuss family, they lived according to traditional values ​​of the time. He lived in Meißen not far from his place of work, the Albrechtsburg , where the manufacture was located at that time . His workplace was on the second floor, right by the window with a view of the Elbe . The room was decorated with magnificent paintings. As an electoral Saxon court painter, he was a respected personality. His calm demeanor stood in contrast to his wife, who ran a strict regime in the family. Schaufuss had little contact with other important artists of his time, he was considered stubborn. He gained artistic experience exclusively in the Saxon region .

Professional activities

From 1781 he worked as a figure / portrait painter at the Royal Porcelain Manufactory . His excellent achievements were honored with the title “Saxon Court Painter”. Then he was with Ludwig Richter , Karl Samuel Scheinert teacher at the Royal Drawing School in Meißen , which was a branch of the Art Academy (Dresden) . This school taught 200 students at the highest artistic level. All three teachers received the same annual salary with 200 thalers at the artistic facility. Richter and Schaufuß were also responsible for bureaucratic tasks in the school operation.

Schaufuss and Richter had contrary artistic ambitions; Schaufuss as a hard-working, renowned copyist for the Meissner manufactory and Richter as a creative artist with idealistic ideas and outstanding talent, especially in landscape painting. At the drawing school in Meißen , Schaufuss was the first drawing master and Richter was the third drawing master from 1828 to 1835, which makes Richter's view of Schaufuss understandable in his memoirs.

After the school was closed in 1835, Schaufuss worked sporadically at the porcelain factory until he died in 1838. Only the second master drawing, Karl Samuel Scheinert , was employed.


In the newspaper for the "Elegante Welt" of November 15, 1816 it is reported that the court painter and master drawing Schaufuss made two excellent vases for a customer in England based on the preliminary drawings of the art professor Schubert . The Allgemeine Zeitung reported on August 22, 1816 the production of four large, chalice-shaped vases, on which the master draftsman Schaufuss had drawn the ancient motifs of Neptune and Minerva . After these works were presented in the royal porcelain magazine in the Brühlschen Palais , the visitors to the exhibition were enthusiastic about the high artistic quality of the work. In addition, Schaufuss received the "Great Golden Merit Medal of the Meißner Manufactory ".

Works (selection)

Excellent copies of: Raffael ( Sistine Madonna ), Domenichino , Guido Reni , Pompeo Batoni , C. Lotti, van Dyck , Gerard Dou and Anton Raphael Mengs as well as by Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich , Francois Perrier and Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini . His works were exhibited in Dresden in 1798, 1811, 1816, 1818, 1828 and 1830.

Bacchus and Ariadne on the seashore (copy after Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini), Albertina, Vienna

Well-known works of the copyist (selection):

  • Game of dead game interpreter based on an unknown master
  • Romeo and Julie
  • Polyxena at the tomb of Achilles
  • Orestes and Pylades
  • Mary with the sleeping baby Jesus
  • Adoration of the Magi
  • Entombment of Christ by Joseph of Arimathia
  • Bacchus and Ariadne on the seashore
  • A Roman general before the consuls
  • The Flight into Egypt
Portrait cup "King Anton I of Saxony", Meissen 1814–15, with the signature of Heinrich Gotthelf Schaufuss


  • Drawings of antique medallions and motifs
  • Various mini portraits on pipe bowls
  • Painted cups
  • Animal representations


  • Hermann Arthur Lier:  Schaufuss, Heinrich Gotthelf . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 30, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1890, p. 637 f.
  • Ludwig Richter: Memoirs of a German Painter. Berlin 1923 ( digitized version )
  • Paul Reinhard: The city of Meissen, its history, peculiarities and picturesque surroundings. Goedsche Verlag, Meissen 1829, p. 31
  • Dr. Georg Kaspar Nagler : New general artist lexicon or news of the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, engravers, lithographers, form cutters, draftsmen, medalists, ivory workers etc. Volume 9, Munich 1845, p. 153 ( online )
  • List of the works of art publicly exhibited on August 3, 1821 in the Royal Saxon Academy of the Arts in Dresden, page 3
  • New Library of Fine Sciences and Free Arts: Mixed News. Dresden 1780, page 307
  • New library of fine sciences and free arts: About the Dresden painting exhibition of 1781. , page 36
  • Bärbel Kovalevski: Georg Friedrich Kersting as head painter at the Royal Saxon Porcelain Manufactory Meissen from 1818 to 1847 , chapter 6, page 66, in: Zeitschrift Mitteilungsblatt / Keramik-Freunde der Schweiz, Mitteilungsblatt No. 108, December 1994 ( doi : 10.5169 / seals -395181 )
  • Thomas Schaufuß: Traces of known and unknown show feet: A journey through time through several centuries. Cardamina Verlag, November 2014, ISBN 978-3-8642420-14
  • Private archive: Thomas Schaufuss

Individual evidence

  1. Baptism book St. Jakobi Chemnitz 1759-1783, page 35, no. 110; under October 10, 1760.
  2. Dresden Academy - Student Regulations 1778-2012, enrollments in the field of fine arts (archive).
  3. ^ Royal Saxon Court, Civil and Military State in 1828. Leipzig, Weidmannische Buchhandlung G. Reimer, page 236.
  4. Ludwig Richter: Memoirs of a German Painter. Berlin 1923.
  5. ^ Sächsisches Staatsarchiv Dresden, Ministry of the Interior, No. 17258, statutes for the Royal Saxon Academy of Fine Arts December 19, 1835.
  6. ^ "For the elegant world of Berlin" newspaper from November 15, 1816.
  7. Allgemeine Zeitung, Munich, August 22, 1816, page 410.
  8. Ernst Lange: The Royal Porcelain Manufactory and their "relatives". Historical overview, taking into account local relationships. Meissen 1911, page 86.

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