Heinrich Koller (historian)

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Heinrich Koller (born July 24, 1924 in Vienna , † December 21, 2013 in Salzburg ) was an Austrian historian .

Heinrich Koller graduated from high school in Vienna in 1942 . Koller did military service. From 1945 to 1949 he studied history and geography at the University of Vienna , where he received his doctorate from Alfons Lhotsky in 1949 with the work The Chancellery Register of King Heinrichs of Böhmen, Duke of Carinthia, 1327-1329 . In the same year he became a research assistant. In 1952 he became a member of the Vienna Corps Symposion. From 1953 he worked as an assistant at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research. In 1961 he completed his habilitation in Vienna. In 1964 he became associate professor and in 1965 full professor for medieval history and historical auxiliary sciences at the University of Salzburg . In 1970 he was Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Salzburg. In 1991 he retired. Koller was a corresponding member of the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature (since 1989) and a member of the Konstanz working group for medieval history (since 1981).

His main research interests were the history of the late Middle Ages , in particular the source editions, the Habsburgs , and the history of Southeast Europe. Koller presented around 175 publications that stretched from the end of Roman times to the beginning of modern times. Alongside Paul-Joachim Heinig, he was considered a leading expert on the Roman-German Emperor Friedrich III. Since 1977 he has been in charge of the “ Regesta of Emperor Friedrich III.” Regesta Imperii . About Friedrich III. About 40,000 documents and letters have survived, which are in various European archives and libraries. Koller decided to publish the regesta according to the provenance principle , organized according to archives and libraries. This had the advantage that in addition to a high level of identification of the processor with the respective region, it also quickly brought interim results for financiers and users. The disadvantage of Koller's conception was that the regesta project only opened up regional perspectives on the Kaiser before the results gradually merged into an overall picture. Since 1982, a booklet on Friedrich III has been published almost every year. The previous regesta gave impetus to research on regional and local history. However, they also led to a revision of the numerous anachronistic misjudgments made by 19th century research on the emperor and empire in the late Middle Ages. Koller put to Friedrich III. 2005 presented a new biography in the series Shapes of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance .




  • Regesten Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Organized by archives and libraries. (multi-part work)


  • Paul-Joachim Heinig: Heinrich Koller † . In: Mitteilungen des Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 123 (2015), pp. 291–292.
  • Paul-Joachim Heinig: Obituary for Heinrich Koller. In: Yearbook of the Academy of Sciences and Literature. 65th year, 2014, pp. 77–79.
  • Heinrich Koller. In: Jürgen Petersohn (Ed.): The Constance Working Group for Medieval History. The members and their work. A bio-bibliographical documentation (= publications of the Constance Working Group for Medieval History on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary 1951–2001. Vol. 2). Thorbecke, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-7995-6906-5 , pp. 231-237 ( online ).

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  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 164 , 128