Heinrich Repke

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Repkestrasse in Werne

Heinrich Repke (born March 31, 1877 in Werne , † December 25, 1962 in Wiedenbrück ) was a German painter and representative of the Wiedenbrück school .


Until 1895 he did an apprenticeship as a decorative painter in Georg Goldkuhle's studio in Wiedenbrück. In the same studio, he then trained as a portrait painter before he began studying at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf in 1899 . However, he returned to Wiedenbrück as early as 1900 to complete the works that had been started there by the late Georg Goldkuhle. In 1907 he set up his own church painting studio in Wiedenbrück .

Between 1938 and 1943, four of his works were exhibited at the Great German Art Exhibition during the National Socialist era . This is a peasant painting and a still life . The picture The White Turkey was bought by Adolf Hitler in 1938 for 750 Reichsmarks (RM). In 1942 Robert Ley acquired the still life Sleeps a Song in All Things for 3,000 RM.

Repke's son Willi (* 1911, † 2009) also became a painter and is considered the last representative of the Wiedenbrück school.

In Rheda-Wiedenbrück and in Werne there is now a Repkestrasse each.


Copy of the picture The Lady of All Nations in Norzagaray , Philippines ; below right the signature Heinr. Repke Wiedenbrück

Works by Heinrich Repke can be found in numerous churches a. a. in:

  • Oldenzaal (NL), Plechelmus Basilica
  • Denekamp (NL), St. Nicholas Church
  • Lette (Oelde) , parish church St. Vitus, (paintings "Christ on the Cross" and "Christ with the disciples in Emmaus ")
  • Brambauer , (Lünen), parish church Herz-Jesu, (painting "Christ the King") in the left aisle of the church

In 1951 he painted the miraculous image of the Lady of All Nations , which currently hangs in Amsterdam in the Chapel of the Lady of All Nations, based on the controversial guidelines of the Dutch visionary Ida Peerdeman .

The privately owned picture "Gedembergmühle in Werne" was given to the Museum of the City of Werne in their collection in 2020.

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Repke's main work hangs in the museum . The bell, March 23, 2011.
  2. ^ GDK Research: Great German Art Exhibition. Hit list Heinrich Repke.
  3. Heinrich Repke: The white turkey . Information and illustration on GDK-Research.
  4. Heinrich Repke: A song sleeps in all things. Information and illustration on GDK-Research.
  5. de-vrouwe.info
  6. Manfred Hauke : The manifestations of the "Lady of All Nations". Clarifying information. In: Sedes Sapientiae. Mariological Yearbook 16 (2012) Vol. 2. pp. 60–87.


  • Isolde Antess, Otmar Plaßmann (ed.): Heinrich Repke: paintings, drafts, studies. Exhibition catalog. Volksbank Paderborn 1996.