Heinrich Scheve

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Heinrich Scheve (also Scheveus, Scaevius, Scheeve, Schaefe ; * around 1470 in Cloppenburg , † 1554 in Freckenhorst ) was a German humanist and Roman Catholic clergyman .


Little is known about Scheves ancestry. In any case, he received his school education at the Osnabrück high school . From there he moved to the cathedral school in Münster , where he was further trained by important humanists of his time. He then took up a career as a clergyman and took a position as a pastor in the Münsterland . In 1510, however, he turned to Cologne . There he began studying at the old Cologne University and stayed there until 1519. His teachers included Johannes Caesarius and Arnold von Wesel , among others . At the university he obtained his master's degree . During this time he himself distinguished himself as a lecturer in the Minorites .

He later appears as a canon in Freckenhorst . During this time he was mainly important because of his extensive correspondence with the humanists as well as because of his writing. Beyond that, little is known about him, except that he reached a remarkably old age.

Publications (selection)

The following publications are known from Scheve:

  • Epistolae familiares et carmina , Cologne 1519.
  • In christianissimi invictissimiqve , Cologne 1521.
  • Epistolae quaedam et Epigrammata .
  • Mythologia Deorum et Heroum , new edition, Stettin 1700.


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