Heinrich Siegel (Hammerherr Schönheide)

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Tin signs by Heinrich Siegel (1634–1671)

Heinrich Siegel (born April 7, 1634 in Schönheiderhammer , † October 30, 1671 in Schönheide ) was an early modern German entrepreneur . He was heir and hammer lord on the Schönheider hammer .


The youngest son of Jeremias Siegel , who was Hammerherr zu Schönheiderhammer and Wolfsgrün , and Barbara Siegel (1600–1669), daughter of the Elterlein town judge and hammer master Caspar Siegel and granddaughter of Hammerherr Michael Siegel in Mittweida , took over the parental hammer works in Schönheiderhammer, while his older brother Abraham Siegel received the hammer in Wolfsgrün (at that time mostly called Ober-Blauenthal ).

Heinrich Siegel successfully continued the Schönheiderhammer, so that it established itself as one of the most important hammers in the Western Ore Mountains.

On April 22nd, 1664 he married Susanne Siegel in Schönheide. The marriage had at least three children, none of whom survived the father. His hammer mill was therefore initially continued by his widow Susanne Siegel. She had a difference of opinion with the Elector about a natural increase in area that had arisen on the Zwickauer Mulde in the area of ​​the mouth of the Wilzsch .


See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ VEB Eisenwerke Schönheiderhammer (eds.), Gerhard Diering, Susanne Steiniger, Richard Günnel (authors): Vierhund Jahre Eisenwerke Schönheiderhammer , Buchdruckerei Richard Hahn (H. Otto), Leipzig 1967, p. 17
  2. ^ Christian Friedrich Hempel: General Lexicon Iuridico-Consultatorium or Repertory . Second part, at WL Springs seel. Erben and Johann Gottlieb Garben, Frankfurth and Leipzig 1752, column 1204 ( link to the digitized version )