Heinrich von Berching

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Heinrich von Berching (also Heinrich von Perching , Latin Henricus de Perching , * 1355 in Berching , † 1412 ) was a German theologian of the late Middle Ages .


Copy of Heinrich von Berching's Lectura super officio missae by Konrad von Sarstedt ,
Niederdeutschland, 1416, Ratsbibliothek und Stadtbibliothek Hannover

Heinrich von Berching was born in the 14th century in the diocese of Eichstätt . In 1384 he is known as the magister artium , from 1396 in Prague as professor of theology at the Charles University there and in 1396/97 rector of the university and canon .

For example, the Lectura super officio missae was frequently copied from his theological writings .

Fonts (selection)

Lectura super officio missae



Web links

Commons : Heinrich von Berching  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Deviating from the year of death 1412, the manuscript database of the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel names the year 1411; compare the description of Cod. Guelf. 377 Helmst. (Heinemann No. 412)
  2. a b Walter Brandmüller (Ed.): Handbuch der Bayerischen Kirchengeschichte EOS-Verlag, St. Ottilien: EOS-Verlag, Vol. 1. From the beginnings to the threshold of the modern age , 2nd part: Das kirchliche Leben , 1999, ISBN 3-88096-671-0 , p. 720; Preview over google books
  3. a b Udo Kühne (arrangement): Ms. Mag. 9, Henricus de Perching. In: Manuscripts in Hanover: City Library, City Archive, Lower Saxony Main State Archive, State Church Archive (= Medieval Manuscripts in Lower Saxony , Vol. 1), Short Catalog, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1991, ISBN 3-447-03207-3 , p. 36.
  4. [1]
  5. ^ Karl Ludwig Grotefend : Directory of the manuscripts and incunabula of the City Library of Hanover , Culemann, Hanover 1844, p. 3.
  6. This copy formed the basis of the Council's Municipal Library of Hannover and the City Library Hannover. Klaus Mlynek : Sarstedt, Konrad (also Cord) von. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , p. 535. On the 575th anniversary of the Hannover City Library, the font left an air-conditioned shelter of the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel for the anniversary exhibition in the main building, which was announced on April 23, 2015 the Hanover City Library; see Sarah Franke: read and let read .... In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung of April 15, 2015, p. 13.