Heinrich von Groitzsch

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Margrave Heinrich von Groitzsch (* around 1090; † December 31, 1135 in Mainz ) was Count von Groitzsch and from 1131 when Heinrich III. , Margrave of Lusatia . He was the second son of Wiprecht von Groitzsch and Judith von Böhmen. He came from the family of the Counts von Groitzsch.


He became Burgrave of Magdeburg in 1124 after the death of his father and in 1131 Margrave of Lusatia and Vogt of the Neuwerk monastery in Halle . Heinrich was unable to assert himself as Margrave of Meißen , and the Wettins came to power again with Konrad I.

Heinrich was married to Bertha von Gelnhausen , (also: von Glizberg = Kunitzburg ) († after 1137). She was a daughter of Count Dietmar von Selbold- Gelnhausen , from the noble family of the Reginbodones, shown among the donor figures in Naumburg Cathedral . Heinrich and Bertha founded the Bürgel Monastery in 1133 . There were no children from the marriage with Bertha.

predecessor Office successor
Albrecht I. Margrave of Lausitz
Konrad I.