Heinrich von Tiesenhausen

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Heinrich von Tiesenhausen (* around 1520 at Berson Castle, today in Latvian Bērzaune ; † May 6, 1600 ) was a German-Baltic statesman and historian from the Tiesenhausen family .


Heinrich von Tiesenhausen was given the service of the last Archbishop of Riga , Wilhelm von Brandenburg , as a boy and rose to his advice and confidante. He was entrusted with diplomatic missions to Wilhelm's brother, Duke Albrecht of Prussia , and King Sigismund II August of Poland . Under the pressure of the Livonian War emanating from Russia , it became clear that the Teutonic Order could not be maintained as a state on its own . Both Archbishop Wilhelm and his advisor Tiesenhausen then sought alliance with Poland. Livonia came under a Polish governor in 1561, but was allowed to remain Protestant. The Poles, however, did not defend themselves against Russian incursions into Livonia. In 1577 the Tiesenhausen estates were devastated by Russian troops who also took his wife and some of his children away with them as hostages. The goods were then occupied by Poles and had to be released, as did the family with the Russians.

Berson Castle is now in ruins .


As an author, Tiesenhausen wrote a history of his family and a chronicle of the archbishops of Livonia. He also wrote a refutation by the Livonian chronicler Balthasar Rüssow and his Chronica Der Provintz Lyfflandt .


supporting documents

  1. Chronica Der Provintz Lyfflandt, in which it is announced: Where datsülvige land was first found, unde thom Christendome brought ys: Wol de was the first regent of the country sint: Van the first master Düdesches order in Lyfflandt, beth up the lesten, unde van einer ydtliken Daden : Wat sick in the Voranderinge der Lyfflendeschen Stende, unde na der tydt, beth in dat negeste 1577. Jar, before strange unde wünderlike Gescheffte in the country thogedragen lift, nütte unde pleasant tho reading, Korth ande loffwerdich entrust you revaliens, Dörch Balthasar Rüssouwen. Rostock, Pressed dörch Augustin Ferber, 1578