Heinz Engelbert

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Heinz Engelbert (born June 19, 1922 in Ehrentalsmühle , today the municipality of Windeck ) is a German lawyer and former professor at the Humboldt University in Berlin .


Engelbert's father was a factory worker and later a smallholder and small trader. In 1928 he began his education at the one-class village school in Ehrentalsmühle. On a gifted vacancy he was able to attend the Realprogymnasium in Wissen from 1933 to 1936 and the high school for boys in Betzdorf / Sieg from 1936 until he was called up for the Reich Labor Service . When he was drafted into the Reich Labor Service on January 6, 1941, he graduated from grammar school with the award of the maturity. From the beginning of the Russia campaign on June 21, 1941, he and his labor service unit were deployed on bicycles to set up ammunition stores and keep the (taxiways) deployment streets functional. After being released from the Reich Labor Service on November 29, 1941, he was called up for military service on January 6, 1942 and returned to the Eastern Front. From May 15, 1942 to January 1944, he was with the light news column of the 19th Panzer Division and from January 27, 1944 with the staff battery of the 19th Artillery Regiment as an equipment manager, driver, interpreter, "Panjekommandeur" and with the " Wunderwaffe “as an artillery survey gunner. In February 1945 in a hopeless situation in the Obra swamps in Silesia, he withdrew from the German army. Picked up three times and reinstated, he succeeded in the fourth attempt to get through to the Allies. Captured by Americans, he was able to pretend to be a displaced person and escape imprisonment with his language skills .

Education and career

In December 1945 he began studying political science and law at the University of Bonn , which he completed in March 1949 with the first state examination in law. His experiences from the war led him to join the student group of the Communist Party and to take part in a student course in the Soviet Zone in the summer of 1947 . From June to October 1945 he worked for the KPD faction in the Parliamentary Council in the Bundeshaus in Bonn as a voluntary legal assistant.

In November 1949 he went to the German Administrative Academy in Forst Zinna as a research assistant , later the Academy for Political Science and Law in Potsdam-Babelsberg. With his dissertation "The council of the district and some basics of the legal relationships between it and the central organs of state power in the GDR" he received his doctorate in March 1955. jur. As a lecturer for the subject " Constitutional Law of the Socialist Countries" he read from 1955 to 1956 at the Academy, at the Humboldt University in Berlin , at the University of Halle and at the University of the MfS in Potsdam-Golm on the constitutional law of the Soviet Union , Poland , Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia , China, Vietnam and Mongolia. He was a member of a commission of the People's Chamber of the GDR to draft a new election law for the GDR and published several books and articles on questions of constitutional law.

Because after the "sudden change" in the attitude of the party and state leadership of the GDR to the party leader of Yugoslavia, Marshal Tito , in his lecture on the constitutional law of Yugoslavia, he was criticized at the Babelsberg conference . For “spreading revisionist and hostile views and violating the principles of revolutionary vigilance” he received a severe reprimand as a party punishment, and it was determined (but not told): “... Engelbert ... cannot work as a scientist”. In order to "prove himself in practice" he worked from June 1957 to December 1960 as a company newspaper editor in the Reichsbahn repair shop in Potsdam and as a deputy department head in the council of the Neubrandenburg district . On January 1, 1961, he was allowed to return to the Academy for Political Science and Law in Potsdam-Babelsberg. As head of the “Political and Legal Information” department, he was given the task of publishing a specialty journal “Political and Legal Information” based on the model of the “Referativnyj Shurnal Gasudarstvo i Pravo” of the Soviet Union and the “ Science Citation Index ” of the USA to organize the GDR.

When, after four years of successful work, he realized that he had no chance at the academy of working as a university professor in his field again and was offered a lectureship at the newly formed Institute for Information and Documentation at the Humboldt University in Berlin, He moved to Humboldt University at the end of June 1967 and was taken over in 1969 when the new section on the theory of science and organization (WTO) was formed. With the thesis "The need for information in science and its determination" he qualified as a doctorate in 1970. sc. From 1971 until his retirement in 1987 he was a professor at the WTO section of the Humboldt University.

As a member of the “Scientific Organization and Management” working group of the All Union Institute for Management Problems (VNIPU) of the Council for Mutual Economic Aid (Comecon) , he took part in the annual meetings in Moscow, Budapest, Sofia, Berlin and Warsaw and was editor of the VNIPU edited anthologies. At the Institute for Science Economics at the University of Leningrad ( Saint Petersburg ), he gave lectures in Russian on information research systems and information research languages. He initiated the cooperation between the WTO section and the “Science Management and Organization” institute at the GM Dobrow Academy and took part in the biennial international conferences in Kiev with his own lectures.

He was the author or co-author of twelve monographs and he has published 69 contributions in scientific journals and edited volumes.


  • The constitutional legislation of the Soviet state . Deutscher Zentralverlag, Berlin, 1954.
  • The local organs of state power in the European countries of people's democracy . Deutscher Zentralverlag, Berlin, 1956.
  • Information research systems in science . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1978.
  • Legal dictionary Russian-German: with around 40,000 terms a. 1000 abbreviations Verlag Die Wirtschaft, Berlin, 1986, ISBN 3-349-00098-3 .
  • Information research systems in science . Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1978.
  • Panjekommandeur . united pc Verlag 2013, ISBN 978-84-9015-942-2 .
  • My life through the ages . 2017, ISBN 978-1522093275 .

Individual evidence

  1. Jörn Eckert (ed.): The Babelsberg Conference from 2./3. April 1958. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-7890-3035-X , p. 130.