Heinz Lichem

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Heinz Lichem , also Heinz Lichem von Löwenbourg (born December 20, 1941 in Graz , † May 12, 2007 in Munich ) was a military historian , writer and journalist .


He studied medicine, history and geography, and in 1982 in Innsbruck with a treatise on the Tyrolean Kaiserschützen Dr. phil. PhD.

Lichem wrote numerous books on the First World War in the high mountains and on photography .

Lichem interviewed thousands of survivors as part of his journalistic work on the mountain war of 1915–1918 , and as an alpine geographer and military scientist , he went from all the high alpine fronts of the Austro-Hungarian and Italian main lines of battle. He created a well-known mountain war archive with over a thousand original war files, diaries, war maps and original photographs and, over decades of work, closed numerous historical gaps in the reporting on what happened in the past. In addition to the historical presentation of facts, Lichem attached importance to the description of outstanding personalities on the part of all warring parties.

Lichem was construction of the known, the Isonzo front performing Kobariski Muzej in Kobarid (Slovenia) involved, which he introduced numerous documents from his military archive. He has received several awards for this collaboration. He wrote the exhibition catalog for the Lusern Documentation Center, the images of which were also used as exhibits in the Documentation Center's first exhibition.

Lichem clearly harbored sympathy for the “unique multinational Danube monarchy” and its soldiers. He contrasts the “consumer fetishism” of the present with the bravery and heroism of the Alpine troops on both sides. The war effort becomes the “crossroads of the riflemen”. He praises the comradeship of the soldiers and describes an allegedly homogeneous family troop with no differences in class, as a "sure guarantor" for the defense of the homeland. Officers are only portrayed positively, as dashing men who do not let their soldiers down and only use them gently.


Individual evidence

  1. a b Helmut Kuzmics, Sabine A. Haring: Emotion, Habitus and First World War. Sociological studies on the military fall of the Habsburg monarchy. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2013, ISBN 978-3-8471-0118-5 , p. 367ff.

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