Heinz Müller (painter)

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Heinz Müller (born February 25, 1924 in Leipzig ; † May 28, 2007 in Bennewitz ) was a German painter in Leipzig.


During his apprenticeship as a decorative painter from 1938 to 1941, he made his first attempts at landscape painting under the care of the Leipzig painter Walter Bodenthal . At the same time, he continued his education in the evening classes at the craft school.

In 1941 he was called up for labor service and was then a soldier in Russia. From January 1945 to June 1946 he was then in American and French captivity. Severely weakened by illness during the war, after his release from captivity, he was accepted into trade union 17, later the Association of Visual Artists (VBK) in Leipzig. From 1947 to March 1952 he worked as a commercial artist in the Leipzig consumer cooperative .

In April 1952 he began to work as a freelancer in the painter and graphic artist section of the VBK. Two years later he founded the cooperative of fine artists Kunst der Zeit in Leipzig with other painters and sat on its board for a time.

From 1975 to 1987 he made study trips to Sofia , Bucharest , Prague , Moscow and Saint Petersburg . After the political change he became a member of the Association of Visual Artists Leipzig. From 1996 to 2000 he traveled to Italy, France and Denmark. At the age of 83, he died on May 28, 2007 in the Bennewitz rehabilitation clinic .

Solo exhibitions (selection)

  • 1947 Kunsthandlung Malz, Leipzig
  • between 1947 and 1969 three exhibitions in the Engewald art dealer, Leipzig
  • between 1955 and 1980 three exhibitions at Kunst der Zeit, Leipzig
  • 1989 Galerie am Weidendamm, Berlin ; as well as the gallery at Thomaskirchhof , Leipzig; with a catalog for the 65th birthday
  • 1997/98 Gallery Bernauer Berg, Frankfurt am Main
  • 1999 Exhibition center of the University of Leipzig , Krochhochhaus
  • 1999 and 2004 Neuruppin Local History Museum
  • 2000 and 2005 Galerie Lux, Berlin


  • Ralph Grüneberger: Heinz Müller. See again and again. Leipziger Verlags-Gesellschaft, publishing house for cultural history and art, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-910143-73-9 .
  • Walter Hertzsch among others: Heinz Müller. Painter in Leipzig. Edition Rieger, Karwe 2004, ISBN 3-935231-50-4 .
  • Ralph Grüneberger: With Mick Jagger in Plagwitz. Leipzig poems , drawings by Heinz Müller, Edition kunst & dichtung, Leipzig 2015, ISBN 978-3-937264-09-7