Heinz Schroth

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Heinz Schroth (born March 26, 1924 , † October 8, 2006 ) was a German local politician . From 1953 to 1985 he was the mayor of Herrenberg .

After the death of his predecessor and uncle Jakob Schroth, Heinz Schroth was elected mayor of Herrenberg in 1953 with 84 percent of the votes cast. With the appointment of Herrenberg as a major district town on January 1, 1974, Heinz Schroth received the title of Lord Mayor. During his tenure, a number of important municipal political projects were implemented, such as the construction of the two still existing Herrenberg grammar schools Andreae-Gymnasium and Schickhardt-Gymnasium as well as land consolidation . He also campaigned for the disability policy work of Lebenshilfe . With his resignation from the office of Lord Mayor, Schroth was made an honorary citizen of Herrenberg on September 10, 1985. In January 1986 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class . Schroth died by suicide; he hanged his mentally handicapped daughter and then himself. His successor in office was Volker Gantner .

Individual evidence

  1. In the beginning there was great euphoria and energy . In: Gäubote . ( pipeline.de [accessed on September 2, 2018]).
  2. Herrenberg's former OB retires . In: Gäubote . ( gaeubote.de [accessed on September 2, 2018]).