Helmut Klose

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Helmut Klose (* 1904 in Jankemühle ; † 1987 Haslingfield , England ) was a member of the Brotherhood of Vagabonds .


Helmut Klose was born the second of six children. His parents were the Müller Bernhard Klose on the Lauschützer mill (Łužyski młyn), a dwelling place of Schenkendöbern , and his wife Ferdinandine. The first born was sister Margarete (1903–1904), followed by Ferdinandine Johanna Erna (born February 28, 1906) - she lived to be 100 years old in Neuzelle -, Gertrud (1909–1917), Bernhard (1911–1926) - he had a fatal accident -, and Kurt (1913 – fall 2005).

Helmut Klose worked as a tailor and customer poet . As a tramp he was a member of the Brotherhood of Vagabonds and later belonged to the anarcho-syndicalist exile group German Anarcho-Syndicalists (DAS). In 1930 he worked as an actor together with Gregor Gog in the film The Vagabond .

In order to avoid the purges and the associated concentration camp stay, Klose fled to London in 1933 . He became a fighter in the International Brigades in 1936 and was sent to the French internment camp Camp de Gurs after the Spanish Civil War . With the help of a German friend, he came to Cambridge , England , in 1939 . When World War II began, he was interned in the Isle of Man and later in Canada . After the war he started working in a laboratory in Cambridge: his family (four sons) live in England.

In 2004 the International Institute for Social History (IISG) received copies of the papers that his sister Erna Hollstein owned. They were arranged and commented on by their daughters and deal with his youth, his family and the contacts with his family in the later GDR . His brother-in-law Karl Hollstein (* 1898, † May 15, 1946), Erna's husband, came to the Ketschendorf special camp in 1945 , where he died.

Individual evidence

  1. Nick Heath on ibcom.org: Klose, Helmut (1904-1987)
  2. Director: Fritz Weiss, Erdeka-Film GmbH Berlin 1930  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.filmportal.de  
  3. on the waterfront 10 2005 p. 9
  4. Helmut Klose Papers, p. 2
  5. Voice & Way 2/2006 p. 30.
  6. Grave record of the Volksbund H3975207

Web links

On the Waterfront - newsletter no.10 of the friends of the IISH 2005 page 9