Helmut Schnelle

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Helmut Otto Schnelle

Helmut Otto Schnelle (born February 28, 1932 in Cologne , † April 22, 2015 in Berlin ) was a German linguist.

From 1968 to 1976 he was Professor of Linguistics at the Technical University of Berlin and from 1976 to 1997 Professor of General Linguistics at the Ruhr University in Bochum .


Helmut Schnelle first studied physics with a diploma in 1957. Building on this, he conducted research in the field of cybernetics and communication.

The concentration on formal sign systems and their role in comprehensive analyzes by Leibniz led to a doctorate in philosophy in 1961. In the following years Helmut Schnelle designed alternatives to formal logic and linguistics based on dynamic networks of the type of nerve networks or automata, in the sense of John von Neumann . In the years 1962–1967 there were several study visits to centers of computational linguistics in the USA and in 1966 Schnelle was appointed a member of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics.

At the newly established chair for linguistics at the TU in Berlin in 1968, Helmut Schnelle developed new methods and theories for the algebraic interpretation of semantics , grammar and pragmatics . Schnell gathered a number of interested students and researchers at his chair and discussed with them generative grammar and the structuralism of the Prague School with a special focus on the development of the theoretical foundations of dynamic linguistics.

In 1968 Helmut Schnelle was the first post-war German to be invited to teach at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, initiated by the professor of philosophy, mathematics and linguistics Jehuschua Bar-Hillel . In constant contact with Bar-Hillel and other international scientists who were invited to Berlin, the exchange of ideas on machine language translation intensified. 1974 was a visiting professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology .

Also at the Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, where Schnelle taught as a professor for general linguistics from 1976 to 1997, Schnelle maintained international contacts with Petr Sgall from the Prague School , MIT and John Searle in California, Maurice Gross in Paris, Giacomo Rizzolatti in Parma and others. Following on from the more recent findings in brain research, Helmut Schnelle concentrated on the connection and functioning of language and the brain from 1978 onwards, including as head of interdisciplinary research groups at the European Commission. In Bochum, Schnelle was a member of the research center for cognitive and neural networks (Kognet). From 1986 to 1993, Schnelle acted as an expert in the LILOG research project of the German section of the IBM company and also chairman of the ad hoc commission of the Council of Europe for the development of the “language industry” and its organizational and technical foundations. In 1989 he was appointed a member of the Academia Europaea (London).

Schnell retired in 1997.

Helmut Schnelle's interests were varied; they ranged from philosophy and the performing arts, music and literature to Yiddish and Kabbalah. From 1990 to 2000, he participated in a cooperation with Columbia University, New York, and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in the analysis of Eastern European and Western European forms of Yiddish.

Helmut Schnelle died in Berlin in 2015.


About physics

  • Schnell, H. (1958). Experience with the foil method for measuring radioactive precipitation. P. 209–212 in: Riezler, W. (Ed.), Scientific questions of civilian civil protection. Koblenz: Verlag Gasschutz und Luftschutz, Dr. Ebeling.
  • Schnell, H. (1960). Report of the radio location committee meeting. Electronic Review 4: 145-146.
  • Schnell, H. (1960). Information-theoretical considerations on the physiological-psychological optimal processing of location data. Pp. 75–83 in L. Brandt (ed.), Discussion of some relationships between sound and ultrasound location and psychology and medicine. Düsseldorf: Committee for radio location.
  • Schnell, H. (1961). Generation of any functions of two variables and their mean values. Electronic Review 5: 577-579.

To Leibniz

  • Schnell, H. (1962). Sign systems for scientific representation (Chapter I). A contribution to the development of de Ars Characteristica in the sense of GW Leibniz. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Verlag
  • Schnell, H. (1991). The nature of language. (Leibniz Studies in Part III, § 10) Berlin: de Gruyter
  • Schnell, H. (1991). From Leibniz to Artificial Intelligence. Pp. 61-75 in L. Albertazzi and R. Poli (eds.), Topics in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence (Papers from the International Summer Schools in Bozen 1989–1990). Bolzano Instituto Mitteleuropeo di Cultur
  • Schnell, H. (1994). The substance and me: (i.e. The Substance and the self; some analytic considerations) pp. 705–712 in: H. Breger (Ed.). Leibniz and Europe. - International Leibniz Congress, Hanover: GW Leibniz Society
  • Schnell, H. (2002). Representation, Language, and Symbolic Reasoning. Pp. 513-530 in: Michael B. Wrigley (ed.) Dialogue, Language, Rationality, Printed: Manuscrito, Vol XXV, Campinas (Bresil) Revista International de Filosofia.
  • Schnell, H. (2004). Time in language language in time -. A Leibnizian Perspective. Pp. 581-588 in: Eric Laporte, Christian Leclère, Mireille Piot, Max Silbersztein (eds.) Syntax, Lexis and Lexicon-Grammar - Linguisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamin Publishing Company.

To character systems (figure schemes)

  • Schnell, H. (1962). Sign systems for scientific representation - Chap. 2 and 3. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Verlag.


  • Schnell, H. (1965). Models of language learning. Cybernetics, Prague 1, 4: 365-372.
  • Schnell, H. (1971). Language Communication with Children - Toward a Theory of Language Use. In: Bar-Hillel, Y. (ed.), Pragmatics of Natural Languages, pp. 173-193. Dordrecht / Holland: Reidel. Publ. Comp
  • Schnell, H. (1973). SEM - A Dialogue Computer for the Acquisition of Certain Semantical Relations. In: Zampolli, A. (ed.), Linguistica Matematica eCalcolatoria. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki.
  • Schnell, H. (1976). Basic Aspects of the Theory of Grammatical Form. Pp. 377-404 in: Kasher, A. (ed.), Language in Focus. Dordrecht / Holland: Reidel.
  • Schnell, H. (1976). Circumstances and Circumstantial Expressions. Pp. 217-244 in: Groenendijk, J., Stockhoff, M. (eds.), Amsterdam Papers in FormalGrammar Vol. I. Amsterdam: Centrale Interfaculteit, Universiteit van Amsterdam
  • Schnell, H. (1979). Circumstance Sentences. Pp. 93-115 in Margalit, A. (ed.), Meaning and Use. Dordrecht / Holland: Reidel.
  • Schnell, H. (1978). Poetic language and poetic state in Paul Valéry . (i.e. poetic language and poetic states in texts of P. Valéry) pp. 247-267 in: Schmidt-Radefeldt, J. (Ed.), Paul Valéry. Darmstadt: Scientific Book Society.
  • Schnell, H. (1979). Paul Valéry: Philosophy of Spirit, Language and Poetry. In: Poetica 11: 1-37.
  • Schnell, H. (1979). Paul Valéry, le solipsisme méthodique et la communication. In: A. Blüher, J. Schmidt-Radefeldt, (eds.), Paul Valéry: Poétique etCommunication, Cahiers du XXe siècle, no. II. Paris: Klincksieck.
  • Schnell, H. (1981). Semantics and pragmatics in psycho-physiological context. Pp. 211-220, in: Klein, W., Levelt, W. (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries inLinguistics. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Company.
  • Schnell, H. (1979). Circumstance Sentences. Pp. 93–115 (id Situations sentences) in Margalit, A. (ed.), Meaning and Use. Dordrecht / Holland: Reidel
  • Schnell, H. (1991). Nature of Language Chapters 1 and 2 Berlin: W. de Gruyter
  • Schnell, H. (1995). The Logic of Cobuild-Type Dictionary-Semantics. Pp. 295-312 in: Chialamp, MT, Elam, K. & Barisone, E. (eds.), Textus VIII: Tilgher-Genova.
  • Schnell, H. (1997). Linguistic Structure, Brain Topography, and Cerebral Processes Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 29: 271-303 The Roman Jakobson Centennial Symposium: Copenhagen: Reitzel
  • Schnell, H. (1998). Review of St. Pinker : The Language Instinct - How the Mind Forms Language. In Spectrum of Sciences April 1998, pp. 122–124
  • Schnell, H. (1999). Mental Computation - A critical analysis of some proposals by M. Bierwisch. in Theoretical Linguistics 25: 257-282


  • Schnell, H. (1997). Logical semantics of a cobuild type dictionary, pp. 139–153 in: KP Konerding, A. Lehr (ed.). Linguistic theory and lexicographical practice. Tübingen: Niemeyer
  • Schnell, H. (1997). On a semantic classification of the Yiddish lexicon. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies: Jerusalem

Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

  • Schnell, H. (1970). Review of the 2nd edition by R. Carnap, Logical Syntax of Language. In: Linguistics and Information Processing 18: 66-73
  • Schnell, H. (1973). Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Principles of speech analysis a priori and a posteriori. Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rororo studium 30).
  • Schnell, H. (1980). Wittgenstein on time and tense and the linguistic turn. Pp. 525-538 in: Proceedings of the IVth International Wittgenstein Symposium. Vienna: Hölder - Pichler - Tempski.
  • Schnell, H. (1981). Introspection and the description of language use. Pp. 105-126 in: Coulmas, F. (ed.), A Festschrift for native speakers. The Hague: Mouton.
  • Schnell, H. (1981). Phenomenological Analysis of Language and its Application to Time and Tense. Pp. 631-655 in: Parret, H., Sbisà, M., Verschueren, J. (eds.), Possibilities and Limitations of Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamin.
  • Schnell, H. (1981). Semantics and pragmatics in psychophysiological context. Pp. 211-220 in: Klein, W., Levelt, W. (eds.), Crossing the Boundaries in Linguistics. Dordrecht: Reidel Publishing Company.
  • Schnell, H. (1992). The expression of temporality in languages. Pp. 131–154 in: E. Rudolph and H. Wismann (eds.). Saying what time is - analyzes of the temporality of languages. Stuttgart: Metzler. VI Sentence specified Lexicology and Computational Bases.
  • Schnell, H. (1997). Logical semantics of a cobuild-type dictionary. (i.e. logical semantics of a cobuild type dictionary), pp. 139-153 in: KP Konerding, A. Lehr (ed.). Linguistic theory and lexicographical practice. Tübingen: Niemeyer
  • Schnell, H. (1997). On a semantic classification of the Yiddish lexicon. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies: Jerusalem

Logic and mathematical analysis as the basis for language structure

  • Schnell, H. (1964). Programming linguistic automata. P. 109–136 in: Steinbuch, K., Wagner, SW (Ed.), Newer Results of Cybernetics. Munich: Oldenbourg-Verlag - Montague Montague, R., Schnelle, H. (1972). Universal grammar. Braunschweig: Vieweg.
  • Schnell, H., Job, DM (1983). Elements of theoretical net-linguistics Part 2: Phonological nets: In: Theoretical Linguistics 10: 179-203.
  • Schnell, H., Rothacker, E. (1984). Elements of theoretical net-linguistics, Part 3: Principles and fundamentals of dynamic nets for language processing. In: Theoretical Linguistics 11: 87-116.
  • Schnell, H. (1984). Concurrent parsing in programmable array (PLA-) nets - Problems and proposals. Pp. 150-153 In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling) (Stanford).
  • Schnell, H. (1987). Turing naturalized - Von Neumann`s unfinished project. Pp. 539-559 in: Herken, R. (ed.), The Universal Turing Machine - A Half-Century Survey. Hamburg: Kammerer und Unverzagt and also: Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Schnell, H. (2004). A Note on Enjoying Strawberries with Cream, Making Mistakes, and Other Idiotic Features, p. 353-358 in: Christof Teuscher (ed.) Alain Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
  • Schnell, H. (1988). Approaches to procedural linguistics. (i.e. initial proposals for procedural linguistics) pp. 137–190 in: Schnelle, H., Rickheit, G. (Ed.), Language in Mensch und Computer, 137-190. Opladen: West German publishing house.
  • Schnell, H. (1989). Linguistic Research in the Context of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. pp. 1-36 in: Schnelle, H., Berendsen, NO (Eds) Logic and Linguistics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
  • Schnell, H. (1989). The Challenge of Concrete Linguistic Research: Connectionism, Massively Parallel distributed Processing, Net-Linguistics pp. 143-170 in: Schnelle, H., Berendsen, NO (Eds): Logic and Linguistics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
  • Schnell, H. (1989). The structure preserving translation of symbolic systems into connection is networks. Pp. 109-119 in: W. Brauer, C. Freksa (Hrsg.), Wissensbasierte Systeme, 3rd International GI Congress Munich ,: Heidelberg u. a .: Springer-Verlag.
  • Schnell, H. (1990). Connectionism for Cognitive Linguistics. pp. 213–216 in: G. Dorffner (Ed.), Connectionism in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Research, 6th Austrian Artificial Intelligence Conference (KONNAI) Salzburg, Austria. Heidelberg u. a .: Springer-Verlag.
  • Wilkens, R., Schnelle, H. (1990). A Connectionist Parser for Context-free Phrase Structure Grammars. P. 38–47 in: G. Dorffner (Ed.), Konnektionismusin Artificial Intelligence and Cognition Research, 6th Austrian Artificial Intelligence Conference (KONNAI) Salzburg, Austria. Heidelberg u. a.:Springer-Verlag.
  • Schnell, H., Doust, R. (1992). A Net-Linguistic "Earley" parser. Pp. 169-205 in: R. Reilly, NE Sharkey. (eds.) Connectionist Approaches to Languages, Vol. 1, Hove, UK .: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Cognitive linguistics, syntax and semantics

  • Schnell, H. (1973). Problems of Theoretical Linguistics. Pp. 805-831 in: Suppes, P. et al. (eds.), Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science IV. Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. Comp.
  • Heny, F. and Schnelle, H. (eds.) (1979). Syntax and Semantics (Vol. 10). New York: Academic Press.
  • Schnell, H., Berndsen, NO (Ed.) (1988). Cognitive science. A European Perspective, Vol. 2: Logic and Linguistics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Computational Linguistics

  • Schnell, H. (1964). Programming linguistic automata. (i.e. Programming of linguistic automata) pp. 109-136 in: Steinbuch, K., Wagner, SW (ed.), Newer Results of Cybernetics. Munich: Oldenbourg-Verlag.
  • Schnell, H. (1965). Models of language learning. (id models of language learning) pp. 365-372. Prague: Cybernetics.
  • Schnell, H. (1970). Linguistics and automata theory. pp. 325-340 in: Linguaggi nella società e nella tecnica. Milano: Edizioni di Communità.
  • Schnell, H. (1994). Semantics in the brain`s lexicon - Some preliminary remarks on its epistemology. Pp. 345-356 in: A. Zampolli, N. Calzolari, M. Palmer (Eds.), Current Issues in Computational Linguistics In honor of Don Walker: Dordrecht: Kluwer

Language and brain

  • Schnell, H. (Ed.) (1981). Language and the brain - in honor of Roman Jakobson. (id Language and brain - in honor of R. Jakobson). Frankfurt / M .: Suhrkamp Verlag.
  • Schnell, H. (1984). Linguistics and bio-engineering. Theoretical Linguistics 11: 1-4.
  • Schnell, H. (1996). A biological basis for functionalism - Reflections on Givón's Functionalism and Grammar. Theoretical Linguistics 22: 125-154
  • Schnell, H. (1991). Linguistic and non-linguistic representation in the organism, Section 4.3 pp. 172-195 andalso sect 5.1.6 and 5.3.1 pp. 211-234, in: The nature of language, Berlin: de Gruyter Schnelle, H., (1997). Approaches to the mental brain - Theory Bioscience 116: 221-228
  • Schnell, H. (2003). Grammar and Brain - Commentary on Ray Jackendoff ’s Foundations of Language. In: Behavior and Brain Studies 26.6: p.689
  • Schnell, H. (2004). Aims of a new linguistics in: Müller / Rickheit (eds.) Neurocognition of the language Tübingen: Staufenberg Verlag Nature of language Section 5.1.6 and 5.3.1
  • Schnell, H. (2008). Fuster's Cherries and Linguistic Trees, European Review Vol. 16, No. 4th
  • Schnell, H. (2010). Language in the Brain, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Memberships and honors

  • 1966 Member of the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL)
  • 1980–1990 member of the advisory board of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and expert reviewer in the grant committee of the German Research Foundation as well as supervisor of the globally invited Humboldt fellows
  • 1987 Member of the European Communities' collaborative network of Forecast and Assessment in Science and Technology, chairman of the Ad-Hoc Commission "on language industry"
  • 1989 Member of Academia Europaea (London)
  • 2000 Commemorative Medal in acknowledgment of outstanding achievements in the field of computational and theoretical linguistics and philosophy of language of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague
  • 2000 Doctor honoris causa, University of Bielefeld

Web links


  1. ^ Philosopher of language and computational linguist Prof. Schnelle retires. Retrieved April 29, 2018 .
  2. a b Ilire Hasani, Robert Hoffmann: Academy of Europe: Fast Helmut. Retrieved April 29, 2018 .
  3. ^ University of Sheffield: ICCL - Natural Language Processing - Research Groups - Research - Computer Science - The University of Sheffield. Retrieved April 29, 2018 (UK English).
  4. Honorary doctorates. Retrieved April 29, 2018 .