Hendrik Jan Schoo

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Hendrik Jan Schoo (born November 10, 1945 in Amsterdam , † September 5, 2007 in Leiden ) was a Dutch journalist . He was editor-in-chief of the magazines Psychologie and Intermagazine , editor-in-chief of the weekly political magazine Elsevier , deputy editor-in-chief of the daily de Volkskrant and director / publisher of the Weekbladpers publishing house .


Schoo went to the United States after leaving school and studied education there . He then worked at a school for some time, but then returned to the Netherlands in 1973. Schoo began working as a journalist there, becoming editor-in-chief of Psychologie magazine in 1982 and editor-in-chief of Intermagazine magazine in 1985 . In 1991 he switched to the political weekly newspaper Elsevier as deputy editor-in-chief , where he became editor-in-chief in 1993. Under his aegis, the magazine was redesigned with a new layout and a more sober style. The content became more service-oriented and received pointed opinion articles. Schoo played a decisive role in ensuring that Elsevier , unlike the other political magazines in the Netherlands, maintained its importance and laid the foundation for the magazine's success today.

Schoo described himself as a "free-floating social democrat" who was known for his lateral thinking. During his time as editor-in-chief of Elsevier, Pim Fortuyn came into the paper as a columnist, who subsequently rose to national fame. In 2000, the editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper de Volkskrant, Pieter Broertjes, approached Schoo's deputy Arendo Joustra to recruit him as deputy editor-in-chief for his newspaper. Since Joustra's option to inherit Schoo later seemed more appealing than becoming one of several deputy editors-in-chief of Volkskrant , Broertjes then turned to Schoo, who surprisingly accepted the offer, whereby Joustra inherited Schoo in an unexpectedly quick manner.

However, Schoo only stayed with de Volkskrant for a year and then moved to the Weekbladpers publishing house as director / editor , which in addition to his former Psychologie magazine (now Psychologie Magazine ) also publishes the two titles Opzij and Vrij Nederland . Schoo remained, however, de Volkskrant as a columnist. He entered into a relationship with the editor-in-chief of Vrij Nederland, Xandra Schutte , and had a son with her. After a conflict within the editorial team at Vrij Nederland , both Schoo and Schutte left Weekbladpers .

In 2007 Schoo died of complications from a heart operation that had been performed a few days earlier. While still in the hospital, he had written columns for de Volkskrant . In 1997 he suffered a heart attack, which forced him to take a six-month break. Following this, Schoo was no longer able to build on the leadership qualities at Elsevier that had previously distinguished him.


Schoo was the brother of the former Minister for Development Cooperation Eegje Schoo .


  • Gerry van der List: Meer dan een weekblad. De divorced van Elsevier. Uitgeverij Bert Bakker, Amsterdam 2005. ISBN 90-351-2874-5

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Van der List, p. 235
  2. ^ Van der List, p. 256
  3. de Volkskrant : "Xandra Schutte nieuwe hoofdredacteur De Groene", February 27, 2008 (Dutch). Last accessed April 19, 2008
  4. ^ Van der List, p. 254

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