Henri Ernest Baillon

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Henri Ernest Baillon
Diploglottis cunninghamii , illustration from Baillon's work Dictionnaire de botanique

Henri Ernest Baillon (born November 30, 1827 in Calais , † July 18, 1895 in Paris ) was a French botanist and doctor . Baillon was director of the Paris Botanical Gardens . Its official botanical author abbreviation is “ Baill. ". He is the first to describe the most original plant under the angiosperms (angiosperms), amborella that occurs in New Caledonia.

In 1867 he was appointed a member of the Legion of Honor . In December 1889 he was accepted as an external corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences . In 1894, Baillon was elected to the Royal Society as a "Foreign Member" .


For the Flora brasiliensis by Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius he wrote the chapter on "Dichapetaleae" in Volume 12 No. 1 from 1886. He contributed "Phytocreneae" in Volume 17 from 1873 to Prodromus systematis naturalis regni vegetabilis by Augustin-Pyrame de Candolle . Here is a selection of his own works:

  • Adansonia, recueil périodique d'observations botaniques . 10 volumes, 1866–1870. Paris.
  • Dictionnaire de botanique . 4 volumes, 1876-1892. Paris.
  • Étude générale du groupe des Euphorbiacées . 1858.
  • Histoire des plantes . 13 volumes, 1866–1895.
  • Histoire naturelle des plantes de Madagascar . 3 volumes.
  • Iconography de la flore française . 5 volumes, 1885–1894.
  • Monograph des Buxacées et des Stylocérée . 1859.
  • Research organogéniques on the fleur femelle des Conifères . 1860.
  • Research on the organization, le développement et l'anatomie des Caprifoliacées . 1864.
  • Traité de botanique médicale cryptogamique . 1889 ( biodiversitylibrary.org ).
  • Traité de botanique médicale phanérogamique . 2 volumes, 1883–1884. Hachette, Paris.


The plant genera Baillonia Bocq. ex Baill. from the Verbenaceae family , Baillonacanthus Kuntze from the Acanthaceae family , Baillonella Pierre from the Sapotaceae family and Baillonodendron F.Heim from the Dipterocarpaceae family were named after him.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724: Baillon, Ernest Henri. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed August 30, 2019 (in Russian).
  2. ^ Entry on Baillon; Henri Ernest (1827-1895) in the Archives of the Royal Society , London
  3. Lotte Burkhardt: Directory of eponymous plant names . Extended Edition. Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Free University Berlin Berlin 2018. [1]

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