Henri Hauser

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Henri Hauser (born July 19, 1866 in Oran , Algeria, † May 27, 1946 in Montpellier ) was a French historian and economist .

In 1870 his parents moved to Paris, where Hauser studied at the École normal supérieure . After his doctorate he taught from 1893 at the University of Clermont-Ferrand History of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, from 1903 at the University of Dijon modern history and geography. From 1919 to 1936 he was professor of economic history at the Sorbonne , from 1927 on a chair created for him . He also taught at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers from 1915 , and from 1918 to 1933 he held the chair of commercial and industrial geography here. After his retirement he became head of research at the Center national de la recherche scientifique .

Hauser held visiting professorships at Harvard University (1923) and Leiden University (1930), received several honorary doctorates and was a member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences . Due to the anti-Jewish legislation of the Vichy regime , he and his family withdrew to Montpellier in 1940 , where he continued teaching and only escaped deportation thanks to the support of friends.

Hauser tried to make the social and economic sciences fruitful for historiography, but remained skeptical of the application of statistical methods, which differentiated him from the then emerging Annales school . Its founder, Marc Bloch, followed him to his chair at the Sorbonne in 1936. In addition to his research on the early modern period , he always analyzed current political and economic developments, especially in Germany.


  • François de la Noue (1531–1591) , 1892. (Dissertation)
  • Ouvriers du temps passé. XVe-XVIe siècles , 1899.
  • Colonies allemandes, impériales et spontanées , 1900.
  • L'impérialisme américain , 1905.
  • La Patrie, la guerre et la paix à l'école , 1905.
  • Les sources de l'histoire de France: XVIe siècle (1494–1610) , 4 vols., 1906–1915.
  • Études sur la Réforme française , 1909.
  • (with other authors): Notre empire colonial , 1910.
  • La guerre européenne et le sondème colonial , 1915.
  • Les méthodes allemandes d'expansion économique , 1915.
  • Le principe des nationalités, ses origines historiques , 1916.
  • L'Allemagne et le Problem Colonial , 1917.
  • Travailleurs et marchands dans l'ancienne France , 1920.
  • Propos d'un ignorant sur l'économie nationale , 1923.
  • Les débuts du capitalisme , 1927.
  • Les origines historiques desproblemèmes économiques actuels , 1930.
  • In the Peuples et Civilizations series :
  • (with Augustin Renaudet): Les débuts de l'âge moderne. Rénaissance et Réforme , 1929.
  • La prépondérance espagnole (1559-1660) , 1933.
  • (with other authors): Du libéralisme à l'impérialisme (1860–1878) , 1939.
  • Recherches et documents sur l'histoire des prix en France de 1500 à 1800 , 1936.
  • La naissance du Protestantisme , 1940 ( Mythes et religions 5).
  • La pensée et l'action économique du cardinal de Richelieu , 1944.


  • Lionel Dumond: Article “Henri Hauser”, in: Christian Amalvi (ed.): Dictionnaire biographique des historiens français et francophones. De Grégoire de Tours à Georges Duby , Paris 2004, pp. 156–158.
  • Severine-Antigone Marin, George-Henri Soutou (eds.): Henri Hauser (1866–1946): Humaniste, Historien, Républicain . PUPS, Paris 2006, ISBN 2-84050-457-X . ( Google scan with Hauser's photo)

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