Henri de Castries

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Henri de Castries

Henri de La Croix de Castries (born August 15, 1954 in Bayonne ) is a French manager and was CEO of the French insurance group AXA from May 2000 to September 2016 . He is chairman of the Bilderberg Meetings .


De Castries belongs to the noble family de La Croix de Castries , who come from Languedoc in the south of France . He first attended the École Saint-Jean-de-Passy before moving to the College Stanislas high school in Paris. He attended two elite universities: in 1976 he graduated from the École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC Paris). He completed further training at the ENA in 1980 with a law degree, at the same time as Dominique de Villepin , François Hollande and Ségolène Royal .

From 1980 to 1989 he took on various tasks in the French Ministry of Finance under different government constellations . In 1989 he moved to the head office of the insurance group AXA, where in 1991 he was appointed Secretary General with responsibility for the legal issues relating to the restructuring and integration of the acquired Compagnie du Midi . In 1993 he became General Director of AXA with responsibility for property ownership and financial investments, among other things. From 1994 he took over responsibility for North America and Great Britain. From 1996 he was involved in the merger with the Union des assurances de Paris with the merger of the two companies. From 1997 he was chairman of the board of the later AXA Financial . In 2000 he was appointed CEO of AXA.

Between 2003 and 2008 De Castries was President of the Geneva Association , an international insurance research organization. Since 2014 he has been leading the annual Bilderberg conferences .

De Castries resigned from his position as CEO of the AXA Group on September 1, 2016 and has retired. His successor was the previous CEO of AXA Group AG in Germany, Thomas Buberl .

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento from March 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive )

Web links