Henriette-Félicité Tassaert

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Henriette-Félicité Tassaert (* 4. May 1766 in Paris ; † 8. June 1818 in Berlin ) was a German - French Pastel - painter and Schabkünstlerin .


Henriette-Félicité was the daughter of the Flemish sculptor Jean-Pierre-Antoine Tassaert (1727–1788) and his wife, the miniature painter Marie-Edmée Moreau (1736–1791). She was the younger sister of Jean-Joseph-François Tassaert (1765-1835) and the aunt of Nicolas François Octave Tassaert (1800-1874).

Henriette-Félicité initially received lessons from her father, who was called from Paris to Berlin by King Friedrich II of Prussia in 1775 . Later she studied under the painter Johann Christoph Frisch , the copper engraver Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki and the painter Anton Graff . She was also a teacher of Louise Henry . In 1792 she married the French lawyer, Louis Robert, which is why she was also known under the pseudonym "Madame Robert".




Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Bruderreck: Louise Henry (1798–1839)… In: Irina Hundt (Ed.): From the salon to the barricade: Women of the Heine time . Springer-Verlag, 2016, ISBN 978-3-476-02790-0 , pp. 184 ( books.google.de ).