Henryk Opieński

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Henryk Opieński

Henryk Opieński (born January 13, 1870 in Krakow , † January 21, 1942 in Morges , Canton of Vaud , Switzerland) was a Polish composer.

Opieński studied at the Kraków Music Academy with Władysław Żeleński and in Paris with Vincent d'Indy . Until 1920 he was a teacher and conductor at the Warsaw Music Academy . He headed the Poznan Conservatory and Music Academy until 1926 and then settled down as director of the Motet et Madrigal choir in Morges on Lake Geneva . He composed two operas ( Maria and Jakub lutnista ), several plays and choral works, three symphonic poems , chamber music works and songs . He also wrote several music historical works.

His wife Lydia Barblan-Opieńska (born April 14, 1890 in Morges ; † 1983 there ), who worked as a singing teacher after graduating, also emerged as a composer. She wrote a cantata , piano pieces, choral works and songs.


  • (fr) Aloys Fornerod, Henryk Opieński. Lausanne, Editions SPES, 1942
  • (fr) Henryk Opieński, IJ Paderewski. Esquisse de sa vie et de son œuvre. Lausanne, Éditions SPES, 1928, 2ème édition 1948
  • (fr) H. Opieński, Les premiers opéras polonais considérés dans leurs rapports avec la musique de Chopin. "Revue de Musicologie". Paris, 1929, t. 13 n ° 30
  • (fr) H. Opieński, La symhonie polonaise au XVIIIe siècle, [Communication faite le 19 avril 1934 à la Société Française de Musicologie]. "Revue de Musicologie" Paris, 1934
  • (pl) H. Opieński, Chopin. Wyd. 2. Lwów-Warszawa, Książnica-Atlas, 1925


  • Chœurs polonais de la Renaissance: Mikołaj Gomółka (c. 1539–1609), Psaume 77 - Mikołaj Toreński, In monte Oliveti. Ensemble Vocal Motet et Madrigal sous la direction de: H. Opieński. P. B: Wacław Szamotulski (approx. 1525–1572), Prière du Soir - Mikołaj Toreński, Per signum crucis. Record 78 rpm. L'Anthologie Sonore AS 107-108.

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