Herbert Bonewitz

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Star of satire for Herbert Bonewitz

Herbert Bonewitz (born November 9, 1933 in Mainz ; † April 29, 2019 there ) was a German cabaret artist . At first he became known through his appearances at the Mainz Carnival ; among others the Büttenschieber (1970), Professor Knickebein (1973) Prince Bibi (1974) and the psychologist Dr. Oedipus Meisenspinner (1976) among his most famous appearances.


After high school and high school at the Electoral Palace in 1953, Herbert Bonewitz studied journalism, advertising and public relations as well as graphic design and worked for the Mainz hygiene paper company Hakle for 25 years , where he rose to head of the communication department under Hans Klenk . He also learned to play the piano .

On February 17, 1955, he took part in the first carnival broadcast on German television , which Wolfgang Brobeil initiated and directed. In the years 1960 to 1981 he made himself not only popular together with the Gonsbachlerchen as well as a speaker without a Bütt , as a revolutionary of Carnival and a virtuoso crossover between all styles. He was repeatedly the target of censorship and intimidation attempts, which he ignored.

His cryptic pun, paired with dialectal comedy, made some fools laugh in the throat, and could inspire others all the more. He became known nationwide through his television appearances in the Mainz carnival sessions. Among the often critical voices after these up to four hours long - and regularly exaggerated - live television broadcasts, Bonewitz was very often expressly excluded from criticism by viewers, which was made clear on the letters to the editor of television magazines, such as in 1973 in the Hörzu after his Appearance as "Party Professor Knickebein".

From 1975 he also worked as a cabaret artist. Encouraged by Hanns Dieter Hüsch , he devoted himself entirely to this profession from 1984 and gave up his professional position at Hakle. As a freelance cabaret artist, he toured all over Germany until 1999. Some of his appearances were recorded for record productions, according to the Total im Bild program. A macabre real vision of the German media landscape . In his programs, Bonewitz repeatedly showed himself to be a talented songwriter while playing the piano. He often stepped into the breach for the Gonsenheim Carnival Association when there was an emergency.

On July 7, 2006, the cabaret artist Herbert Bonewitz received a star of satire on the Mainz Walk of Fame of Cabaret . After suffering from serious cancer, Bonewitz made author readings for the first time in June 2010. In November 2017 Bonewitz was awarded the Mainz Media Prize for “Sustainable Media Work”.

He was married from 1958, had a daughter, a son and four grandchildren and lived in Mainz-Gonsenheim until his death .

In 2019 Bonewitz died at the age of 85 in his hometown Mainz after a long illness. His grave is in the forest cemetery in Gonsenheim.


  • Herbert Bonewitz: My cabaret menu: savory delicacies and regional specialties . Verlag Bonewitz Communication, Bodenheim 2008, ISBN 978-3-9811590-3-5 .
  • Herbert Bonewitz: BoneWitziges satirical: with a sharp tongue and a pointed pen . Verlag Bonewitz Communication, Bodenheim 2006, ISBN 3-00-020244-7 .
  • René Goscinny , Albert Uderzo : Büschelsche 41., Asterix uff Määnzisch. - 1st mess about the Kupperdibbe / forgiven by Rene Goscinny. Gezeischent vum Albert Uderzo. [Translated from French. it's hot Gudrun Penndorf. Uffgemotzt in Äänzisch rischtische Deitch, des wo määnzisch is, hot's de Herbert Bonewitz] Ehapa Comic Collection Egmont, Cologne 2001, ISBN 3-7704-2278-3 .
  • Herbert Bonewitz: Between all styles: strange experiences & instructive experiences; on the 50th anniversary of the stage in 2000 . Erasmus Edition, Mainz 2000, ISBN 3-925131-02-7 .
  • Herbert Bonewitz, Reinhard Hippen : Typical Bonewitz . H. Schmidt Verlag, Mainz 1993, ISBN 3-87439-306-2 .

Web links

Commons : Herbert Bonewitz  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Herbert Bonewitz: The father of the television carnival. Memories of Dr. Wolfgang Brobeil . In: Mainz aktuell , 1/2006, pp. 41–45.
  2. The history of the television carnival . From: swr.de, accessed on May 29, 2016.
  3. Between splendor and stink . In: Die Zeit, February 24, 1995. From: zeit.de, accessed on May 29, 2016.
  4. The fool's freedom is inviolable . Rhein newspaper. February 24, 2011. Retrieved May 29, 2016.
  5. Mixed echo: Mainz remains Mainz, as it sings and laughs (ZDF) - Hörzu No. 12, 1973, 161: http://www.zuschauerpost.de/zupo/docs70/1973a.htm
  6. Presentation of the Mainz Media Prize to Herbert Bonewitz , Allgemeine Zeitung January 20, 2018.
  7. Mainzer Fastnachter and cabaret artist Herbert Bonewitz dies Allgemeine Zeitung (Mainz) , accessed on April 29, 2019.
  8. burial place. In: knerger.de. Retrieved August 14, 2019 .