Herbert Löllgen

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Herbert Löllgen 2010

Herbert Löllgen (born January 5, 1943 in Bonn ) is a German doctor, internist, internationally recognized cardiologist and sports medicine specialist .

Education and career

By studying medicine in Bonn, Innsbruck , Berlin and Düsseldorf , Löllgen also took an additional sports degree at the German Sport University in Cologne . After licensing in 1967 and doctorate to Dr. med. In 1968 he completed a study visit at the Institute for Muscle Physiology with Bengt Saltin in Copenhagen. This was followed by specialist training in internal medicine in 1975, habilitation and professorship in 1979.

From 1978 to 1982 he acted as senior consultant at the Medical University Clinic Freiburg , then as chief physician at the St. Vincenz Hospital Limburg (1983–1985). With a focus on cardiology, pulmonology , conservative intensive therapy, sleep medicine and sports medicine, he was chief physician at the Remscheid Clinic from 1986 to 2008 (academic teaching hospital of the Universities of Bochum and Bonn). Since 2008 he has been working as a resident cardiologist in Remscheid.

Scientific, teaching and publication activities

The focus of his work was cardiology projects in aerospace medicine, the development of ergometry and cardiological functional diagnostics, as well as examinations of altitude and diving physiology. He led a total of 26 doctoral students to doctorate.

Löllgen gave over 600 lectures at scientific congresses worldwide and published around 500 articles in numerous specialist journals. There are also eleven books and monographs. Since 1976 he has been an expert and cardiological consultant for the DLR (selection and support of the German astronauts ), since 1998 a cardiology consultant for the ESA .

Sports medicine services

His sports medicine activities began in 1967, followed by the acquisition of the " additional title in sports medicine " in 1971. For the 1972 Olympic Games , he looked after the rowers, then for four years the modern pentathlon athletes.

From 1986 to 2006 he was chairman of the North Rhine Sports Medical Association, the largest state association in the German Sports Medical Association . After eight years of activity in the umbrella organization as Vice President and co-opted member of the World Association for Sports Medicine (FIMS), he was elected President of the German Society for Sports Medicine (Deutscher Sportärztebund) in 2006 and re-elected in 2009.

Functions, memberships, honors (selection)

  • Specialist editor in Deutsches Ärzteblatt (1995–2008)
  • (Founding) member of the advisory board for first aid and resuscitation of the German Medical Association (1992–2008)
  • Member of the Military Medical Advisory Board of the German Armed Forces
  • Member of the drug commission of the German medical profession
  • Chairman of the State Working Group for Rehabilitation of the State Sports Association of North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Examiner of the North Rhine State Medical Association (internal medicine, cardiology, sports medicine)
  • Corresponding member and fellow of the World Association for Sports Medicine (FIMS)
  • Elective Member of the American Society for Air and Space Medicine Board of Space Medicine (1990–2007)
  • Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC)
  • Fellow of the American Heart Association (FAHA)
  • Fellow of the FIMS (World Sports Medical Association)
  • European cardiologist
  • Member of the Catholic student union K.St.V. Arminia Bonn in KV

Publications (selection)

  • H. Löllgen, HV Ulmer, P. Crean: Recommendations and standard guidelines for ergometry. In: Europ Heart J Suppl K. (1988) 9, pp. 1-37.
  • H. Löllgen: Cardiopulmonary Function Diagnostics. 4th edition, Novartis, Nuremberg 2005, ISBN 3-933185-67-X .
  • H. Löllgen (Ed.): Ergometry. 3rd edition, Springer, Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-540-92729-7 .
  • H. Löllgen: Practice of EKG assessment. 3rd edition Ingelheim 2001
  • H. Löllgen, A. Böckenhoff, G. Knapp: Physical activity and all-cause mortality: An updated meta-analysis with different intensity categories. In: Int J Sports Med. 30, pp. 1-12.
  • H. Löllgen, D. Leyk, J. Hansel: The pre-participation examination for leisure time physical activity: General and cardiological issues. In: Dtsch. Doctor bl. Int. 107 (2010), pp. 742-749.
  • G. Meuret, H. Löllgen: Resuscitation primer . 2nd edition Springer, Heidelberg, 1994 (translations into various languages)

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