Herbert Laszlo

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Herbert Laszlo (born April 16, 1940 in Vienna as Herbert Otto Emanuel Laszlo von Kajászószentpéter ; † August 4, 2009 ibid) was an Austrian happiness researcher , journalist and athlete who coined the expression " optimal load ".


Herbert Laszlo was born in Vienna into a family of fencing masters . He attended the Schottengymnasium and closed the Jus -Studies at the University of Vienna with the Doctor Juris from. Mother, he comes from the noble family of Furtenbach.

In 2002 he founded the independent academic institute for European happiness research, published the "Happiness Observer" , organized Happiness Symposia, gave numerous lectures and interviews and until his death wrote his fifth book, which will be published by Goldegg Verlag .

His titles include: President of the Austrian Academy of Fencing Art, Treasurer of the International Academy of Fencing Masters and Vice President of the Austrian Journalists Club . He was also the Minister of Absence for Schlaraffen and a member of Mensa Austria and the Concordia press club .

Like him, his daughter Sonia Laszlo is a happiness researcher at his father's institute.

He was buried at the Hietzinger Friedhof in Vienna.




  • Action test - Piatnik
  • The actionary - Piatnik

Articles and interviews

  • Woman July 2009 - Interview with a happiness researcher
  • Lyoness Magazine
  • German-World Magazine February 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.fechtkunst.org/PDF/23956_Laszlo.pdf
  2. Page about Otto von Laszlo ( Memento of the original from May 11, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.balmung.org
  3. ^ Obituary on the website of the Austrian Academy of Fencing Art
  4. Sonia Laszlo says: Fuck Happiness on Observer accessed on February 28, 2013