Herbert Moons

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Herbert Monden (born January 7, 1888 in Marthahütte near Kattowitz ; † June 29, 1952 in Düsseldorf ) was a German metallurgist , steel mill manager and mining industry official.

School and university career

Monden first attended the gymnasium in Katowice and later the princely school in Pless . Here he also graduated from high school. Subsequently, Monden began to study iron and steel science at the Bergakademie in Berlin and continued this later at the Technical University of Wroclaw . At this he completed his diploma examination in 1912 and also received his doctorate here in 1923 with the topic: "The influence of the oxygen content on the mechanical properties of fluvial iron , in particular of the Rotbruch".

Professional background

Monden began his professional career in 1912 as a steelworks engineer at Julienhütte in Bobrek in Upper Silesia . Just two years later, Monden became a hut inspector at the Falva hut in Schwientochlowitz . Another station was the appointment of the smelter director of the Silesiahütte in Rybnik -Paruschowitz in 1921. 10 years later, Monden became the chief smelter (a position comparable to a technical director in what is now a large mining company) of the interest group for mining and smelting operations in Bismarckhütte in Upper Silesia. He was the technical director of a large corporation. Further management positions in the steel industry followed, such as technical director of Dnieper Stahl GmbH in occupied Ukraine. This comprised huge former Soviet steel works and mines with a pre-war workforce of around 100,000. This was followed by positions as head of the Westmark steelworks management of the Reichswerke Hermann Göring with the Hayingen , Hagedingen and Mövern plants in the Lorraine district. At the end of the war, Hermann Göring was the metallurgical director of the large Reichswerke concern in Watenstedt-Salzgitter .

After the end of the war, various management positions followed in government agencies in the mining administration and various positions as chairman of the supervisory board of Dortmund-Hörder Hüttenunion and Hüttenwerke Ruhrort-Meiderich AG.


  • About d. Behavior of several iron u. Steel types in the pressure test, in: Stahl u. Eisen 35, 1915, pp. 1022-28, 1052-56;
  • About d. Influence d. Ingot weight and rolling speed to d. Power requirement b. Walzen, ibid., Pp. 497-507, 527-33 (with J. Doll);
  • Btr. Z. Metallurgy d. bas. Siemens-Martin procedure uz question d. Influence d. Oxygen content to d. mechan. Features d. Fluids, esp. D. Rotbruchs, ibid. 43, 1923, pp. 745-52, 782-88 (excerpt from the dissertation);
  • Usage application from american. Economic forms f. Europa, ibid. 46, 1926, pp. 806-10;
  • Performance monitoring in rolling mills based on d. Gantt method, in: Archiv fd Eisenhüttenwesen 7, 1933/34, pp. 539-46;
  • Technical basics e. Europa-Union, in: Europa, Großmacht or Kleinstaaterei, ed. v. E. Stern-Rubarth, 1951 (with H. Euler).


  • F. Harders, in: Stahl u. Eisen 72, 1952, p. 1052;
  • F. Pudor, Lb. from d. rhein.-westfäl. Industriegebiet, born 1952-54, 1957, p. 25 f.

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