Hermann Bobrik

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Hermann Bobrik (1836)

Hermann Bobrik (born November 21, 1814 in Aurich ; † May 18, 1845 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German historian, geographer and university professor in Königsberg.


Bobrik attended the Collegium Fridericianum from 1827 to 1832 , most recently as a royal scholarship holder. After graduating from high school, he studied geography , statistics and history at the Albertus University in Königsberg . He became a member of the Scotia Corpsland Team . A student watercolor portrait of him is preserved in Wilhelm Schmiedeberg's Pages of Memory .

After becoming a Dr. phil. After receiving his doctorate , he completed his habilitation two years later. As a private lecturer , he became an assistant editor at the Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung in 1843 . He was a member of the Royal German Society (Königsberg) and died at the age of 31.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bobrik (New Necrology of the Germans)
  2. GoogleBooks