Hermann Dihle

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Hermann Dihle (born May 25, 1873 in Nordhausen ; † November 3, 1944 in Göttingen ) was a German administrative lawyer.


After studying law in Lausanne, Halle (Saale), Leipzig and Berlin and completing his legal clerkship in Berlin, Dihle worked from 1896 as a government assessor in Geestemünde, Opole district. From March 1907 to August 1912 he was district administrator in the district of Zabrze in Upper Silesia. In 1913 he went to Arolsen as President of the Domain Chamber of the Principality of Waldeck , where he also became Consistorial President of the Evangelical Church in Waldeck . When the consistory set up by the prince was transformed into a regional church council in 1921 after the elimination of the sovereign church regiment, Dihle remained its president. As head of his regional church, he was a member of the German Evangelical Church Committee , the executive body of the German Evangelical Church Federation . When the Free State of Waldeck became part of the Free State of Prussia in 1929, Dihle was retired as a civil servant, but retained his ecclesiastical office.

Dihle, who sat for the German National People's Party for many years on the Arols municipal council, was critical of the affiliation of his church to the Evangelical Church in Hessen-Kassel , which was mainly operated by the NSDAP and its church party " German Christians ", and tried to defend the church's independence . Therefore the NSDAP arranged a rally in Arolsen on January 17, 1934, at which his resignation was demanded and his house was then besieged. Dihle and his wife let themselves be arrested for their own protection. Reich Bishop Ludwig Müller took this as an opportunity the next day to declare him deposed together with the entire regional church council. His representative Heinrich Happel forced him to retire at the end of February.

Dihle was married to the concert singer Frieda Dihle, b. von Reden (1882–1944), with whom he had three children, a daughter and two sons, the older of whom fell in World War II, the younger, Albrecht Dihle , returned seriously wounded, studied classical philology and later professor of Greek studies at first in Cologne , then in Heidelberg .


  • Hannelore Braun, Gertraud Grünzinger: Personal Lexicon on German Protestantism 1919–1949 . Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2006, p. 61 ISBN 978-3-525-55761-7 .
  • Rainer Hering, Jochen-Christoph Kaiser: Contributions to church history. Vol. 1: Kurhessen and Waldeck in the 19th century. Kassel, Evang. Medienverband 2006, p. 369 (below). ISBN 3-89477-912-8 ; Vol. 2: Kurhessen and Waldeck in the 20th century. 2012, p. 604 (below). ISBN 978-3-89477-880-4

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Individual evidence

  1. According to the website Territorial changes in Germany and German administered areas 1874 - 1945 (accessed on October 23, 2013) born on May 15, 1873 in Quedlinburg.
  2. According to the website territorial changes in Germany and German administered areas 1874 - 1945 (accessed on October 23, 2013) 1934 died.
  3. Hannelore Braun, Gertraud Grünzinger: Personenlexikon zum deutschen Protestantismus 1919–1949 , p. 61 ( limited preview on Google Book Search ).