Hermann Ehren

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Announcement poster of the CDU Tecklenburg for an election meeting with Hermann Ehrens on the occasion of the state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia in 1947

Hermann Ehren (born October 17, 1894 in Borbeck , † November 30, 1964 in Bottrop ) was a German CDU politician .

Life and work

After elementary school , Ehren, who was of the Roman Catholic faith, completed a craft apprenticeship, which he completed with a journeyman's examination. On the side, he attended a training school and then academic courses in Essen . From 1920 he was a full-time youth secretary at the Christian miners' union and editor of the magazine Knappenjugend . In 1924 he became general secretary of the Catholic men's association movement for Upper Silesia in Gliwice . After 1933 he worked for the industrialist Nikolaus Graf von Ballestrem .

After the end of the war, Ehren was expelled from Poland in October 1945, returned to the Ruhr area and settled in Bottrop. From 1949 he worked as editor of the Ruhr Nachrichten in Dortmund .


Before 1933 Ehren was a member of the center , a city councilor in Gleiwitz and a member of the Provincial Parliament of Upper Silesia .

In 1945 he joined the CDU and in 1946 became chairman of the refugee committee for Westphalia . Ehren was a member of the second appointed state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1946/47 and was a member of the zone advisory board of the British zone of occupation in 1947/48 .

In the federal election in 1949 he ran in the constituency of Meschede-Olpe , won it and entered the German Bundestag , where he, elected in 1953 and 1957 via the state list, remained until 1961. On October 4, 1962, he replaced the late Robert Pferdmenges and was a member of parliament again until his death in 1964 .


  • Count Franz von Ballestrem. A biography. Wroclaw 1935.
  • To the fathers' legacy. historical homeland novel. Publishing house of the Upper Silesian Company Printing House, Gleiwitz 1940.

Web link

  • Ehren, Hermann . In: Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdB - The People's Representation 1946–1972. - [Ebbinghaus to Eyrich] (=  KGParl online publications ). Commission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties e. V., Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020703-7 , pp. 253 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2014070812574 ( kgparl.de [PDF; 201 kB ; accessed on June 19, 2017]).