Hermann Ferdinand Schell

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Hermann Ferdinand Schell (born June 19, 1900 in Schwyz , † January 4, 1972 in Salzburg ) was a Swiss writer .


Schell initially studied medicine and law, but soon took an active part in the literary life of his time as editor of the magazine " Das Gegenspiel " and co-founder of the Association for Dramatic Poetry . Only in southern Germany, especially Munich, through z. Some controversial premieres of his youthful works as a playwright attracted attention, Schell moved to Vienna after he had married the Austrian actress Margarethe Noé von Nordberg , also known as Margarethe von Noé , who was working at the Munich Kammerspiele at the time . The four children that result from this connection are Maria Schell , Carl Hermann Schell , Maximilian Schell and Immy Schell , who all made careers in film and theater. After the connection of Austria to the German Reich , the family in 1938 returned to the native Switzerland after Zurich.


Schell's extensive dramatic work had premieres at such important theaters as the Munich Kammerspiele , the Burgtheater Vienna, the Olympic Theater in Athens and the Bregenz Festival. Schell also left a considerable lyrical work and also distinguished himself as a novelist , novelist and essayist .


  • On the seventh day
  • Women songs
  • New poems
  • The twelve little Jesus legends
  • Sang from Bergell
  • Zurich old town. A cycle of poems
  • Nine poems
  • 1962 - Eleven ballads


  • The Mayor of Zurich
  • Eugenia
  • The natural talent
  • By order of the empress
  • The bailiff of Greifensee
  • 1944 - The prodigal son
  • Decision hour
  • The Winkelriedspiel


  • Domenica and the brothers from the Septimer. Novella
  • King's Novella
  • The Venetian bed. Novella
  • Cyril. novel
  • Fridolin. novel
  • 1941 - Suvorov's last love. novel
  • 1958 - The boy mirror. Childhood memories


  • Schiller speech
  • The historical drama
  • The book of Provence
  • Dutch trip
  • Salzburg letters
  • Impressions


Against the gradual forgetting of the literary work of Hermann Ferdinand Schell, who was regarded as a not insignificant Swiss writer in the first half of the 20th century, it seemed u. a. especially to use his children. So Maria and Maximilian brought z. B. out a speech plate on which they speak texts from their father. On various occasions Maximilian Schell liked to recite the not exactly short poem May I introduce ... which his father wrote on him and which ends with the line "This is my beloved son." a. in front of an audience of millions on the television show Wetten, dass ..? .

Speech plates

  • May I introduce ... Maria and Maximilian Schell read memories of their father's youth, Hermann Ferdinand Schell ( Ariola )


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