Hermann Haarmann

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Hermann Haarmann (born September 18, 1946 in Vehre (now Belm) ) is a German communications historian and cultural theorist . He is professor at the Institute for Journalism and Communication Studies and Director of the Institute for Communication History and Applied Cultural Studies at the Free University of Berlin .


After studying German, theater studies and journalism in Münster and Berlin , Haarmann received his doctorate in 1974 from the Free University of Berlin. He then worked at the University of GHS Essen , where he completed his habilitation in 1989. In 1990 he was appointed to a professorship for "Communication history with a focus on exile" at the Free University of Berlin. Haarmann is director of the Institute for Communication History and Applied Cultural Studies (IKK). Since 1996 he has also been a professor at the Institute for Culture and Media Management, of which he has been deputy director since 2004.


Haarmann researches the history of public communication . His focus is on exile literature and journalism from 1933 to 1945. Drama and theater of the modern era as well as the cultural theory of modern times are further focuses of his research. In 1983 he participated in the commemorative exhibition of the Academy of Arts (Berlin) on the 50th anniversary of the book burning in 1933 , followed by exhibitions on Alfred Kerr and the journal Der Cross . In 2000 he founded the series “akte exil” with the aim of making unknown archive material by and about German exiles publicly accessible. So far, 10 volumes have appeared. Haarmann is the editor of numerous editions, for example by Carl Einstein , Alfred Kerr, Friedrich Wolf and Erwin Piscator . In September 2014 a three-volume edition of letters “Letters to Bertolt Brecht in Exile” was published.


In 2016, Hermann Haarmann received the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon.

Fonts (selection)


  • Theater and history. On the theory of theater as a social practice (dissertation), Gießen 1974, ISBN 978-3-920352-44-2 .
  • Aspects of drama. An Introduction to Theater History and Drama Analysis, 4. neubearb. and exp. Edition, Opladen 1996 (with Heinz Geiger), ISBN 978-3-531-22147-2 .
  • 'Broke is staring at you. Completely. ' Satire in the journalism of the Weimar Republic, Opladen 1999 (with the collaboration of Andrea Klein), ISBN 978-3-531-13295-2 .


  • 'That was just a prelude ...' Book burning Germany 1933. Requirements and consequences ", exhibition catalog of the Academy of the Arts, Berlin / Vienna 1983 (ed. With Walter Huder and Klaus Siebenhaar).
  • With the camera into the world. Richard Fleischhut (1881–1951), Photographer, Bönen 2005 (Ed. With Ingrid Peckskamp-Lürßen), ISBN 978-3-937390-67-3 .


  • George Grosz, New York 1934. Sketchbooks, letters and memories, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-936962-25-3 .
  • Erwin Piscator, Berlin edition, letters (7th vol. In total), ed. and commented on by Peter Diezel, Berlin 2005–2011.

An annotated list of publications is available on Herrmann Haarmann's homepage.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.fischerverlage.de/autor/hermann_haarmann/7134
  2. http://ikk.userpage.fu-berlin.de/haarmann/
  3. ^ Freie Universität Berlin ( Memento from April 30, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  4. http://www.tagesspiegel.de/zeitung/akte-exil/458518.html
  5. http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/kommwiss/media2/60_jahre_puk.pdf (p. 22)
  6. http://ikk.userpage.fu-berlin.de/brecht/
  7. http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/kommwiss/arbeitstellen/kommunikationsgeschichte/news/Verdienstkreuz_an_Haarmann.html