Hermann Herrenberger

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Hermann Herrenberger

Hermann Herrenberger (born April 18, 1881 in Ulm , † July 9, 1953 in Fürth ) was a German architect and municipal building officer . He was a town planning inspector in Poznan and senior town planning officer in Fürth.


His father was the director of the city ​​museum in Ulm. Hermann Herrenberger initially worked as an architect in Osnabrück and Hamburg and since 1907 at the latest in Poznan . There he was a town planning inspector . He was involved in the design of several schools in the city until 1913. In 1919 Poznan became Polish.

Herrenberger had been active in Fürth since 1920, where he was appointed senior building officer (Oberbaurat, Stadtbaurat). He planned the municipal hospital , which was built in 1931, and was involved in the development of the housing estates in the districts of Rodenwald (built in 1932) and Hardhöhe (built 1935–1938). In 1938 he became a member of the NSDAP .

In May 1945, Hermann Herrenberger was removed from office by the US military government and classified as a fellow traveler (group 4) in 1948 . He died in Fürth in 1953.

The architect Justus Herrenberger (1920–2014) may have been a son or other relative.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ New elementary school on Teich Square in Poznan . In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . 55th year, no.  77 , September 28, 1921, pp. 1 ( polsl.pl [PDF; 619 kB ; retrieved on August 31, 2019] mentions him for the construction of girls' school 15 from 1913 as Stadtbauinsp. ).