Hermann Hintze

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Hermann Hintze (born May 26, 1636 in Lübeck , † April 27, 1711 ibid) was a German merchant and councilor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


The merchant Hermann Hintze is handed down as head of the Lübeck orphanage in 1685, which at that time was located opposite the Aegidienkirche in the building of the former Michaelis or Segeberg convent , today's Aegidienhof . 1703 was elected to the Lübeck council in Hintze . In his will, he donated a new baroque high altar to the Petrikirche , which was completed in 1713 and replaced the Gothic high altar. Its design was based on the high altar of the Marienkirche in Lübeck by Thomas Quellinus, which was previously donated by the councilor Thomas Fredenhagen . However, it was made of wood and was therefore destroyed in the air raid on Lübeck in 1942.
