Hermann Jakob von Freymann

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Hermann Jacob von Freymann adH Nursie (born June 16, 1791 , † July 19, 1865 in Wenden , Livonia ) was a Baltic nobleman , landowner and major general in the Imperial Russian Army .


Hermann Jacob grew up with his brothers and a few cousins ​​on the Alt-Nursie estate . Like this one, he received home tuition from the private tutor and theologian Christian Friedrich Gnüchtel. The adolescents practiced horse riding and pre-military exercises early on.

His military career, which he began like his brothers Rudolph Friedrich (1786–1850), Karl Otto (1788–1858) and Georg Gustav (* 1789), took place in the St. Petersburg II Cadet Corps , the then engineering and artillery school. He then became a lieutenant in the Tour of Law Grenadier - Regiment assumed that the wars of liberation against Napoleon Bonaparte was used.

After the war he remained in the Imperial Russian Army and died on July 19, 1865 with the rank of major general .

Origin and family

Hermann Jacob came from the Baltic noble family von Freymann from the house of Nursie (line II.) And was the son of Otto Reinhold von Freymann (1760-1820) and his wife from his first marriage to Juliane Jacobine von Stackelberg (* 1791). When his father was married to the widow of his eldest brother Carl Ludwig, he sold his own estate Igast (near Tõlliste ) and moved to the family home of Alt-Nursie. Hermann Jakob was married to Pulchesia Bibery, a Moldovan , and his marriage remained childless.

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Individual evidence

  1. Christian Friedrich Gnüchtel, born in Schönheide (Saxony), studied in Leipzig and came to Livonia in 1805. He was employed as a tutor in several houses. In: Johann Friedrich von Recke , Karl Eduard Napiersky , General writers and learned lexicon of the provinces of Livonia , Volume 2, Verlag JF Steffenhagen und sohn., 1829, Original from Princeton University , digitized May 20, 2008 [1] , page 71 , accessed November 30, 2017